jeudi 30 juin 2022

Newly Found Arrest Warrant; Emmett Till Case.

Emmett Till’s family calls for justice after finding an unserved arrest warrant in his case


The two men were acquitted of Till’s murder soon after by an all-White jury, though they later admitted to the killing in an interview with Look magazine. Milam died in 1980 and Bryant died in 1994, but his widow – now Carolyn Bryant Donham – is still alive, and Emmett Till’s family hopes the warrant will lead to her arrest and, ultimately, justice.

an affidavit attached to the warrant said the three “did willfully, unlawfully and feloniously and without lawful authority, forcibly seize and confine and kidnap” Emmett Till, though it misspelled his last name. A note on the back of the warrant says Donham was not arrested because she could not be located at the time
The Justice department investigated new evidence back in 2018; it was closed in 2021.

I wonder if the police will be unable to locate Carolyn Bryant this year.

No, I don't wonder, they will not.

Is "State's Rights!" going to become the new rallying cry of the progressive left?

Betteridge aside, is it?

We're already seeing some small moves in that direction, with marijuana legalization at the state level, and lack of federal enthusiasm for opposing it. We're also seeing something like it with Sanctuary Cities, though there the feds have been somewhat less sanguine.

Abortion's a pretty easy one. States that want to guarantee it as a right aren't falling afoul of any federal regulation, nor even of the Constitution.

Gun control will be a tricky one, though. Unlike the other examples, it would be a prohibition, rather than a removing of restrictions. So there would be legal contests. If the state courts weren't on board with the prohibition, it would die there. If the state courts were on board with the prohibition, it would become a question of whether - and how - the federal government would intervene.

Obviously the Supreme Court has no enforcement powers. But a ruling against state prohibition would give the Executive Branch complete legitimacy to do... Something. But what, exactly? How would the President go about compelling a state government to allow personal firearms in keeping with the Supreme Court's ruling? What could he possibly do, short of a coup?

I mean, that's how I would do it, if I had to do something. Declare that if the state government can't or won't govern constitutionally, then it will be deposed, and the state will come under military occupation and martial law, until a constitutionally-compliant government can be formed there.

Which, if I were president, I would absolutely not want to do, in response to state-level firearms prohibitions. A state would have to get into slavery, genocide, ethnic cleansing, or a serious epidemic they couldn't manage, for me to want to go in there and force them to do it differently. I do believe that some firearms restrictions go too far, and infringe on a human right, but the cure in this case seems like it would be much worse than the disease.

Scotus "2A rights equal other rights", NYSRPA vs Bruen

Basic finding is that states need to follow the Conny, can't use emotional arguments to negate a guaranteed right.

So adios to most gun laws, included "may issue", assault weapons bans, magazine bans, ammo restrictions....

Interesting, the decision even has ebsites linked, to refute some of the rebuttal.

And in other news, that Safe Cities federal law requires due process for red flag proceedings. To date, NO red flag laws have been fought in federal court. They mostly lack due process.

Bruce's Beach Returns to Heirs.


The land was bought in 1912 by Willa and Charles Bruce, who built the first west coast resort for Black people at a time when many beaches were segregated. The couple suffered racist harassment from white neighbors and the KKK, and in the 1920s, the Manhattan Beach city council took the land through eminent domain. The city claimed it needed the land for a park, but then left it vacant for decades and transferred it to the state of California in 1948.
You might think that the Bruce family getting the land back and leasing it to the County would not ruffle any feathers, but that would be naive.


The Task Force’s recommendations met heated opposition in the form of an anonymous media campaign from a group calling itself only “Concerned Residents of MB.” It issued mailers and paid for a two-page advertisement in The Beach Reporter that said Manhattan Beach had been “falsely accused of being a racist city” and that the task force was using race to “grab power.” The group called for disbanding the Task Force and denial of all its recommendations.
How does it go? Complaints are a confession?


“The task force is labeling Manhattan Beach as a racist,” said resident Angela Nelson. “Every town has a few bad apples.
It should be obvious to the most casual observer that the lilly white Manhattan Beach who forced out the black owners of Bruce's Beach for being black, is **** ing racist.


mercredi 29 juin 2022

- R. Kelly Sentenced to 30 Years -

Thirty years for this fool. It's been a bad week for serial sex abusers.


Kelly's attorney, Jennifer Bonjean, said he would not address the court, pointing to the other criminal case faced by Kelly, but said before the sentence was read that her client "rejects that he is this monster."

"He accepts that he is a flawed individual," Bonjean said, "but he is not this one-dimensional monster that the government has portrayed and the media has portrayed."

Yes, bro. You are flawed.

He's I guess this could be it?

The Jan 6 Investigation (2)

Trump freaking out when his last, best chance to stay President was snatched away from him, when his underlings refuse to obey his orders?
That's not a stretch.

mardi 28 juin 2022

Ancient Hebrew curse tablet/amulet

I ran across an interesting archeological discovery a couple of days ago... through a Christian source that was blathering about how it totally proves a particular story in the Bible true, which proves another one true, which proves the whole thing true, which proves God real and totally destroys the nonsense of all those mean atheists/skeptics who've been so horribly "persecuting" them by not believing it all. Given the mostly-religious presentation about it so far, I find it suspicious that religious organizations apparently got their hands on it before its official publication in a peer-reviewed journal, which is supposed to be coming soon. Releasing this to them first looks like an attempt to get their spin on it out there and in people's brains first, before any aspect of it that doesn't fit their narrative gets a chance.

It's hard to find a source on it which gets to the original facts instead of just the religious spin & propaganda, but this one isn't bad:

Also, here's an informative video about the general category of artifacts that this new discovery is said to be a member of, "curse tablets":

They're not well named; instead of tablets, they're really sheets of metal, with a curse scratched/gouged into one side and then hidden by rolling/folding the sheet up. You can see their typical size in that video: comparable to a modern standard piece of paper, because people need to be able to write on them, usually a few sentences plus some other extra stuff, with tools that don't allow them to write super-tiny.

That's one odd thing about the one they say they found in Isreal recently: it's more amulet-sized or CPU-sized or stamp-sized than sheet-sized, so the curse, in addition to being shorter & simpler than most, still had to be written super-tiny to fit there, so tiny I don't know how they'd do it. And it's folded in half instead of rolled. And it's supposedly (although with some debate about this) from the Bronze Age rather than Iron or Historiographic. And it's in Israel instead of Italy or Greece. Specifically, it was found at a hill that apparently everybody had already somehow agreed was Mount Ebal, which is associated with a story in Deuteronomy about curses.

amulet in hand:

They didn't want to risk damaging it by trying to open it, so they scanned it with something like a CT scanner, and say they've now read what was written inside it. The result includes, as the name of the god who's supposed to enforce the curse, "JHW" (yahoo!). It's missing the H at the end to be the usual representation of the name of the Hebrew god Yahweh/Jehovah, but at least one of the articles I've seen on this says it's written that way in the Bible sometimes. I guess the idea is that H, which is silent at the ends of Hebrew words now, had already gone silent at the ends of words that early so it didn't always seem necessary to write it.

The discoverers have published a sketch of only that word, not the whole inscription, and no images of the direct CT scanner output:

The sketch shows, contrary to what some religionists have been saying, not the Hebrew alphabet or even Proto-Hebrew, but Proto-Sinaitic or Proto-Canaanite, a stage so early that you can still see how it's derived from Egyptian writing, before we even get to the Phoenician alphabet, which would then become the Aramaic one, which would then become the Hebrew one. That's consistent with the dates they've given for this thing, around 1400-1200 BCE. Unfortunately, in the whole inscription as they've quoted it in some of the articles about it, the most common letters would be 'alp and ra'š, which, at that super-tiny size, would be the same as just rough-edged but vaguely round pits or bumps... exactly the kind of thing you'd think you saw a bunch of if you were trying to read letters into just a randomly non-smooth surface, not actual writing at all. Sometimes people just make flat metal objects by mashing the metal out thinner & wider than necessary and then folding it, and sometimes the result is just lumpy. Also, curse tablets in general don't seem to be typical of Hebrew or other Canaanite religion, so if that's what this is, then just the idea that it's somebody from that time & place doing curse tablets at all would be a bit of news even if it were normal size and perfectly clear.

If it does say what they say it says, it's the second indication we have of Yahweh-worshipping precursors to the Hebrews living in that area at about that time. But the other is an Egyptian reference to "the nomads of Yahweh" as one of a list of nomadic groups the Egyptians knew about, so this would be the oldest appearance of that name (or anything else written at all I think) in a precursor to Hebrew instead of Egyptian. It would be a mild surprise to me to find them that far north back then, because Yahweh worship later on is more associated with the south, but that's no big deal. It's also not clear to me what nomads are doing with even this amount of lead, so we'd have a sign here of either lead-carrying nomads or Bronze-Age Yahweh-worshippers who aren't nomads. Either way, it generally fits the big picture I already had but puts a little unexpected twist on it.

Anyone knowledgeable on Propane, for vehicles and home use?

The figures may not be 100% accurate and are in Canadian Dollars.

Just some questions

Why isn't everyone swapping to propane power for their daily driver?, it's tried and true technology .. in use continuously for vehicles with the 1920's's AND you still retain regular gasoline use if needed.

It's costs 80 cents a litre right now here.

Second why is anyone paying 80 cents a litre for vehicle propane, when you can get your home heating tank filled for 3 cents per litre

Third why is anyone paying $2 a litre for gasoline, when propane is available delivered to your home for 4 cents a litre

Surely it's a simple matter to have a fuel filler attachment to a home propane tank? Even if it's friggen complicated surely the 98% cost saving would make it worth while.

I've filed fork lift propane tanks before it's not a big deal, anyone can take a 2 or 4 hour course at local community collage and be licensed for life to pump propane.

Sadly none of this applies to me I have no vehicle, and Natural gas home heating.

Sweden & Finland may join NATO in months!

So Turkey has dropped their opposition to Sweden & Finland joining NATO. They will receive a formal invitation soon. And then every member must approve membership in their national legislature.

If this goes well, Russia will soon have hundreds of more miles of NATO territory, which means thousands of NATO troops & military hardware, on their doorstep.

Is this what "winning" looks like, Commrad Putin?


50 migrants found dead in back of tractor trailer in San Antonio

50 migrants found dead in back of tractor trailer in San Antonio


Fifty migrants were found dead in the back of a tractor trailer in San Antonio on Monday, federal law enforcement officials confirmed to CBS News on Tuesday. Sixteen others — 12 adults and four children — were taken to local hospitals with heat-related injuries.

Police Chief William McManus said at a press conference Monday that authorities received a call at approximately 5:50 p.m. local time from a worker who had heard cries for help and found the trailer with its doors partially open. The worker found a number of dead bodies inside the trailer, McManus said.

McManus said three people were in custody, though he noted that authorities aren't certain they're connected to the situation. The incident is now under federal investigation.
I wonder who will be first to say "But if Trump had been able to finish the wall, this wouldn't have happened! It's the liberals' fault"

Scottish Independence referendum 2023

So, a month shy of 9 years after the last Scottish Independence referendum, we are to get another one on the 19th October 2023.

"Nicola Sturgeon to set out plan for second independence referendum"

I presume if that one is another no, the SNP will wait 8 years and have another in 2031. The last one in 2014 was a vote of 55% no, on a turnout of 84%.

The first part of the campaign, will be over the legality of having another referendum. I am not happy, as having repeated referendums until you get the result you want and then stopping, looks rather undemocratic to me.

lundi 27 juin 2022

Australian Census 2021

Data from the 2021 Australian Census is being released today. So far there are two big takeaways. First, the millennnial generation is becoming the largest population group:


New data released on Tuesday from the latest census shows that Australia’s millennial generation is becoming the nation’s largest, displacing the postwar baby boomers.

Both demographic groups comprise 5.4 million people but the 2021 statistics reflect a diminishing number of “boomers” compared with the 2016 survey.

Defined as the generation of people born between 1946 and 1964, the number of baby boomers fell from 25.4% to 21.5% of the overall population. Millennials, born between 1981 and 1996, increased from 20.4% to 21.5%.

In 1966, baby boomers made up nearly 40% of all Australians.

The national population as of 2021 grew by about 2 million people to 25.4 million since the last census.

Second, for the first time ever, less than half of Australians identified as Christian:


For the first time, fewer than half of Australians identified as Christian, though Christianity remained the nation's most common religion (declared by 43.9 per cent of the population).

Meanwhile, the number of Australians who said they had no religion rose to 38.9 per cent (from 30.1 per cent in 2016).

More detailed info is available at the website of the Australian Bureau of Statistics. There are some interesting tidbits to be found. For example, the fifth top language spoken in the home in my own Territory (after Mandarin, Arabic, Vietnamese and Cantonese) is Nepali.

Potentially Startling Astronomy News

Just noticed this

5 Planets Align in the Sky in Rare Formation

Nothing too unusual.

But the best part:

Astronomers say the formation is expected to remain in the sky through the rest of June.
My worry is if that speculation proves to be false! :scared:

- SCOTUS Actions & Midterms -

How do you think the recent SCOTUS actions on issues such as abortion, gun control, and separation of church and state will impact midterm elections?

Praying on the 50-yard line - Supreme Court decision

Supreme Court further erodes separation between church and state in case of praying football coach
(It's tough to decide where to put these types of threads. Social Issues and Current Events? Religion and Philosophy? I figured since the Supreme Court is one of the three branches of the United States Government, USA Politics is probably the most appropriate area.)

I think this is going to have some unintended consequences. However, I think it would be kind of neat to see the Christians kneeling, the Muslims prone praying, the Baptists holding a revival, and the Satanists do whatever they do -- all at the same time on the 50-yard line after a game. For the record I think it's sort of OK, as long as all religions (or "no" religions) are allowed. (Ain't gonna happen, I know.) A problem being -- are the students encouraged/expected to be out there with him, and ostracized or sanctioned if not?

I see that "Church of Satan" is trending on Twitter. Funny how so many people can consider the implications when I don't think the SC did.


Its one of the many issues I find the discourse to lack any nuance. Its all bad or all good with almost nobody saying there is good and bad. Frankly, I think its mostly good, poor or usually poorish neighbors get investment from outsiders and generally get less crime and richer as a result. I also feel sympathy for the folks that don't like it, the place they've lived for years is changing, they're neighbors are different, and it feels like they're being pushed out and are no longer welcome in their own homes.

Is this a conversation outside of the US?

Defendant ordered to represent herself

Woman charged with perverting course of justice told to represent herself in legal first

The barrister who was originally instructed has had to withdraw after a disagreement arose.


Barristers have been operating a ‘no returns’ policy since April in protest at their pay and conditions. This means that they are refusing to pick up cases if other barristers are unable to represent a client – for example, if another case has overrun.

On Monday, barristers are due to start wholesale strike action over funding concerns. Four in five criminal barristers voted for the walkout.

Guidance issued by the judiciary after the ‘no returns’ policy was introduced, states: “If a defendant wishes to be represented it is likely to be an exceptional case where a judge orders a trial to proceed where the only reason why they are not represented is the Criminal Bar Association action.”

The only results I can see happening here are an acquittal or an application under Article 6 of the ECHR.

dimanche 26 juin 2022

Our Founders' original intent?

What did our Founders want in 1787?

Did they want big issues like slavery, abortion, voting rights, civil rights, to be decided by each state? Or is there evidence that they wanted big issues to be national and settled by Congress?

Do we need to amend the Constitution to make these big social issues controlled by Congress?

samedi 25 juin 2022

[Split Thread] Vixen's understanding about HRA


Originally Posted by Captain_Swoop (Post 13838592)
Raab is introducing a new Bill OF Rights today that will allow British courts to ignore rulings from the ECHR while strengthening freedom of speech.

That should be fun.

UK courts never did bother with the Human Rights Act.

vendredi 24 juin 2022

I told you so 6 years ago

I have not been on this forum for years... and I am posting now only to remind you all of what I said 6 years ago ... in the light of what just finally happened regarding extirpating women's rights over their bodies and life-trajectory... and more annihilations of human rights are soon to follow.


Originally Posted by Leumas (Post 10932854)
While we are busy fending off allegations of being "scary nasty mentally damaged totalitarian fundamentalist atheists" hurled at us by Concern Trolls, this stuff is going on:
Vision America's Rick Scarborough was a guest on Gordon Klingenschmitt's "Pray In Jesus Name" program recently, where he explained that God is blessing the state of Texas because "Christians have infiltrated" and taken over the state GOP. Scarborough was discussing his efforts to mobilize right-wing pastors to get involved in politics across the nation and noting that he has had a great deal of success in Texas; so much so that if one now attends an annual Republican Party convention in Texas, it feels as if one is attending a revival meeting.
It is not astrologists nor atheists who are trying to enforce their world view wherever they can.

It is not astrologists nor atheists who are insidiously trying to dominate the "seven mountains of power" and take over the country.

While we argue on forums whether it is insane to debate theists on internet forums, theists are pressing on quietly with their strategic plans.

From Here
The George Grant quote cited below comes from a book he published in 1987 with Dominion Press, entitled The Changing of the Guard. Yes, they have been aiming for this for a very long time. And for a very long time they have worked under the cover of our ignorance. Who could have predicted a few nut cases could ever acquire such influence in our politics and our military? (No apologies to Condoleeza Rice).
"Christians have an obligation, a mandate, a commission, a holy responsibility to reclaim the land for Jesus Christ-to have dominion in the civil structures, just as in every other aspect of life and godliness.
But it is dominion that we are after. Not just a voice.

It is dominion we are after. Not just influence.

It is dominion we are after. Not just equal time.

It is dominion we are after.

World conquest. That’s what Christ has commissioned us to accomplish. We must win the world with the power of the Gospel. And we must never settle for anything less.

If Jesus Christ is indeed Lord, as the Bible says, and if our commission is to bring the land into subjection to His Lordship, as the Bible says, then all our activities, all our witnessing, all our preaching, all our craftsmanship, all our stewardship, and all our political action will aim at nothing short of that sacred purpose.

Thus, Christian politics has as its primary intent the conquest of the land – of men, families, institutions, bureaucracies, courts, and governments for the Kingdom of Christ. It is to reinstitute the authority of God’s Word as supreme over all judgments, over all legislation, over all declarations, constitutions, and confederations."

Roe v. Wade overturned -- this is some BS

I don't normally post here, but this scares the crap outta me. I went to sleep in the US, and woke up in Gilead. I believe that this is the top of a greased slope, where rights are going to be under fire at an ever quickening pace (unless it involves guns).

Anyone have a good vetted list of places to donate to help people in trouble because their state has forbidden abortion?

The Roe v. Wade Strikedown - June 24, 2022

Well, there it is. Fifty years of precedent annulled.

The Warring '20s

Last century this decade was known as "The Roaring '20s". I just thought of the name for this one today, as a contrast. Actually, it seems more like the '60s with the Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade strikedown decision, among other things.
Of course - We Didn't Start the Fire - but it's clear that the 2020s so far have generally really sucked. Not even just within the U.S., but world wide. I don't need to enumerate everything. And I have a good idea of what's coming next, especially with Pride weekend coming up.

15 Senate Republicans support gun control

Pigs are surely flying today. 15 Republican Senators, which is 30%, voted for stronger background checks and other new laws to reduce gun violence.

The new law expands background checks for gun buyers under 21, helps states implement Red Flag laws, clarifies the definition of a licensed arms dealer, expands who can be banned from possessing a gun and provides more money for school security and mental health.

Its far short from what we need, but its a great first step.

Great to see SOME Republicans still have their priorities straight.

Now we need the Democrats to pass through Reconciliation a 1,000% tax on assault weapons and magazines that hold 11+ rounds.

jeudi 23 juin 2022

Biden Admin wants to remove nicotine from tobacco and vaping products

Two questions: Is this something the executive branch can do on its own without any act of Congress?

And is it a good idea per se?

Relevant links:

Biden administration moves to restrict nicotine levels in tobacco products

Tobacco Product Standard for Nicotine Level of Certain Tobacco Products

This proposed rule is a tobacco product standard that would establish a maximum nicotine level in cigarettes and certain finished tobacco products.
It doesn't appear to say exactly what that level would be. My understanding is that it would be something much lower than most current cigarettes.

FDA Juul Ban Explained—Why Biden Admin Has Outlawed the E-Cigarettes

It also appears that they have already banned menthol cigarettes. No pleasant-tasting flavoring additives for products that contain nicotine. Juul had already been told to stop making fruit-flavored vaping products.

Supreme Court loosens gun laws

So, in case you didn't hear, the Supreme Court shot down the most draconian and authoritarian part of NY's concealed carry law.

The Sullivan Act, which has been around for more than a century, required that applicants for a concealed carry handgun permit must show "proper cause" that they unlike most NYers, face special danger that should allow them, unlike most of their neighbors, to carry a concealed gun.

The affect of this is that around 35,000 people have a concealed carry permit for NYC, but they are celebrities, wealthy persons, politicians, ex-cops, and other supposed VIPs.

Everyone else, is not eligible. Even if they live or work in a high crime part of the city.

How the **** is this just?

Basically the message NYC and other cities around the nation are stating that no one has the basic right to defend themselves with deadly force, UNLESS they are super-special people.

What utter ********.

NYC and other cities and states can still require permits, FBI background checks, employment letters, moral character references, firearms training, gun liability insurance, $350 license fees that get repeated every 3 years, but they can no longer limit concealed carry to just the rich & famous.

Honestly now, what's wrong with this? I see nothing.

SC Gun decision

The Supremes throw out NY law limiting concealed carry permits.

The Supreme Court said Thursday that Americans generally have a right to carry a handgun outside the home for self-defense, striking down a New York law requiring a special need for such a permit and putting at risk similar laws in five other states.
“The Second and Fourteenth Amendments protect an individual’s right to carry a handgun for self-defense outside the home,” Thomas wrote, saying New York’s requirement of a specific need to carry a weapon violates that right.

Posted without comment 'cause I'm speechless -- but not surprised.

Tesla's Money Furnace


Musk Says Tesla's Factories In Berlin And Texas Are 'Gigantic Money Furnaces'

Tesla's newest car factories in Texas and Berlin are losing "billions of dollars
right now" as supply chain disruptions hamper the electric vehicle giant's
ability to ramp up production, chief executive Elon Musk said in an interview
published this week.

"Both Berlin and Austin factories are gigantic money furnaces right now.
OK? It should be like a giant roaring sound which is the sound of money
on fire," Musk said in the interview with Tesla Owners Silicon Valley, which
was recorded on May 30 and published Wednesday.

"Berlin and Austin are losing billions of dollars right now because there's
a ton of expense and hardly any output. Getting Berlin and Austin functional
and getting Shanghai back in the saddle fully are overwhelmingly our concerns.
Everything else is a very small thing basically."

Oh, I thought he was talking about crypto. Never mind...

Knife attacks in Auckland

Four wounded in stabbing rampage in Auckland, bystanders bring attacker to the ground


A man has wounded four people in a stabbing rampage before being stopped by bystanders, who brought him to the ground in an Auckland neighbourhood, New Zealand police said.

Police District Commander Naila Hassan said the attack in Auckland on Thursday was random and the suspect was in custody.

She said there was no indication the attack was a hate crime, as the victims were of different genders, ethnicities and ages.

"This was an extremely fast-moving incident, where our police staff responded quickly, apprehended the offender and prevented further harm to our communities," Commander Hassan said.

She said the victims all suffered moderate injuries.

People in the neighbourhood began following and surrounding the man after he began his attack and one brought him down using a walking crutch, Commander Hassan said.

"Members of the public acted with extreme bravery," she said.

mercredi 22 juin 2022

National incident declared over polio virus findings in London sewage
"....Public health officials have declared a national incident after routine surveillance of wastewater in north and east London found evidence of community transmission of poliovirus for the first time...."
We aren't looking at a polio outbreak but still an interesting story. I didn't realise we regularly screened waste water for polio

Richard Dawkins: Less than the model atheist some think he is?

Here in this place, not so much for the "Paranormal" part, obviously, as the "General Skepticism" part. Hope I've got that right.

This OP is mostly some posts I've copied from the thread about the Johnny Depp v. Amber Heard trial, in order to prevent a derail there, and because this discussion, should it take off meaningfully, interests me. I'm no expert, and haven't even read Dawkin's work as far as his actual specialization. But I've enjoyed his God Delusion, and liked his Magic of Reality enough to gift it to two kids who I thought would love it (but who, as it turns out, did not, neither of them; but no doubt they will when there're a year or two or three older, or so one hopes). And I've also enjoyed his talks and interviews where he discusses atheism. Personally I've found his views both very reasonable, as well as clearly articulated and argued.

Which is why I was kind of surprised to find that apparently not everyone thinks of Dawkins as a model atheist, not everyone finds him inspirational. Hence this thread, to explore that POV further.

This OP is, like I said, simply some posts copied from the other thread, plus this short introduction.


Originally Posted by dann (Post 13838161)
(...) unlike you, I'm not too fond of atheists like Dawkins).


Originally Posted by Chanakya (Post 13838236)
Oh really? Why not?

(I realize Amber's atheism is itself a tangent, and our views about Dawkins an out-and-out off-topic diversion. If you like you could start a separate thread; nor do I mind starting a separate thread myself around this discussion, even if that discussion spans no more than just a handful of posts. If I find that I have anything meaningful to add to or follow up on your response, then I'll just go ahead and do that, start a separate thread, rather than responding here.)

But I'm curious: What's not to like with Dawkins and his atheism? I find his views very reasonable, and remarkably well articulated.


Originally Posted by dudalb (Post 13838366)
That Dawkins has become a publicity whore, for one thing.


Originally Posted by dann (Post 13838724)
Read a book without preconceptions. Yes, OK. But appeals like, "Please read it with an open mind. Please.", from a guy who's supposed to be some kind of skeptic?! Why does he encourage me to please read right-wing drivel with an 'open mind'?
Dawkins is not the only atheist nowadays who seems to focus almost exclusively on the bad kind of religion, the one that isn't our kind of religion. Besides, he always tended towards Social Darwinism. I'm with Richard Lewontin and Stephen Jay Gould on that one.
So Dawkins has discovered that there is no god. Of course, there isn't. It's common knowledge in the civilized world. That don't impress me. Neither does the atheism of Amber Heard.


Originally Posted by lomiller (Post 13838815)
Never trust anyone who tells you that they don't need evidence for their position, but you need evidence if you want to disagree with them.

Nobel peace prize auctioned by Russian journalist

Not sure if this belongs here or in the Russian Invasion thread, but...

Nobel peace prize auctioned by Russian journalist Dmitry Muratov fetches record $103.5m

Auctioned for the UNICEF fund for Ukrainian children.

America's second Civil War,

January 6th is now History so how do you think it will be written about in the History books, it's the closets we have come to Civil War since 1865?

[Split Thread] The Uvalde Shooting and responses to it

The classrooms the Uvalde shooter barricaded himself in may not have been locked, but even if they were, police had a tool that would have opened them: report


A law enforcement source said Uvalde police didn't try to open the door to the room in which the shooter was barricaded.

The source told the San Antonio Express-News that if the door was locked, police had a tool to pry it open.

Uvalde police have received ongoing scrutiny for their response to the May 24 shooting that resulted in 21 deaths.

Uvalde police didn't check to see if the door to the two connected classrooms the Robb Elementary shooter barricaded himself in with children was unlocked, a source close to the investigation told the San Antonio Express-News.

The Texas Department of Public Safety previously said that the doors locked from the inside. But after viewing surveillance footage, investigators believed the doors may have not been able to be locked from the inside due to a malfunction, the source the Express-News.

If the doors were in fact locked, police had access to a halligan bar, a forcible entry tool shaped like a crowbar that could have opened the door, the source said.
Mod Info I've taken the liberty of copying these more recent posts to a new thread as the police response to this is now key to the event and it's worthy of its own thread

Split from [Continuation] Today's Mass Shooting (2)

feel free to quote from the parent thread
Posted By:jimbob

lundi 20 juin 2022

Russia Threatens Ukraine

Russia warns NATO-member Lithuania over Kaliningrad transit

This is a disturbing threat but then I wonder what Russia would actually do? Will they try to counter with their own sanctions? Try cyber attacks (my understanding is Lithuania hits above their weight here)? It is hard for me to imagine they would try something militarily against a NATO aligned country.

Is it an empty threat?

Bye Bye Texas

Texas GOP Resolution Apparently Opposes Judicial Review in the U.S., Rejects Legitimacy of 2020 Election and Flirts with Secession (

The Republican Party of Texas voted for a resolution that would appear to rock the foundations of judicial review in the United States. Along the way, the Texas GOP rejects the legitimacy of Joe Biden’s presidency, describes homosexuality as an “abnormal lifestyle choice,” and urges the legislature to push a referendum on whether the Lone Star State should secede from the union.
I know this is unlikely to go anywhere, but it's sobering to see such eager foolishness.

dimanche 19 juin 2022

Should illegals get a pass on vax requirements?

Current US policy is that in order to enter the country legally you need to provide proof of COVID vaccination in order to get a visa.

However, if you enter the country illegally then you are not required to be vaccinated.

Please explain how this policy makes any sense.

samedi 18 juin 2022

Experiment disapproves one of ORCH OR model predictions


This is quite new. They have tested one of the ORCH OR model predictions and it went back as a negative:


After running the experiment for two months the team did not measure spontaneous radiation signals, constraining the feasibility of gravity-related collapse. In 2020, the team reported in Nature Physics that their negative result had helped them rule out the simplest version of the Diósi-Penrose model.

British man 62 "raped daughter 33" on Greek island

A British man aged 62 being held in custody has pleaded, 'Not Guilty' to raping his drunken 33-year-old daughter in an alleyway behind bushes nearby a bar in Malia, Crete. The story has only been covered by the tabloids. Greek police claim the daughter described her attacker as 'wearing all white'. When police retrieved the CCTV footage, they noted her father was wearing all white. The daughter claims she told the police it was her father wearing all white, not the attacker. She says she and her father live together and there is no way he would ever do such a thing. He was supposedly back at his hotel room when the attack happened.

Assuming he is innocent, it is a shame he left his drunken daughter to find her own way back, having been seen on the CCTV trying to drag her up from the bar stool and seeming to hit her.

So he has been charged with rape and also domestic violence, for now, until the DNA results come back.

ISTM either the daughter knows it was her father but is frightened of him because of historical domestic violence and thinks now is a good time to report him and put an end to the abuse (whilst seeming to support him, perhaps out of fear of him) or, the Greek police are incompetent, capricious and unbelievably stupid.


PICTURED: British father, 62, and daughter, 33, having a boozy night together in a Crete bar hours before he was arrested by Greek police on suspicion of raping her
EXCLUSIVE: Greek police claim CCTV evidence, seen by MailOnline, shows 'inappropriate sexual activity' in a Crete bar between a British father, 62, who is accused of raping his own daughter, 33 on the Greek island
The pair are seen in footage enjoying a boozy night in a bar before alleged attack in a dead-end alleyway
The father and daughter cannot be named for legal reasons, but he denies the accusations and she is staying on the Greek island to support him while insisting that he is ‘100% innocent'

vendredi 17 juin 2022

Amarillo “cryptid,” captured on film!

Surprised I haven’t seen a thread on this yet. It appears that some weird image was captured at the Amarillo Zoo that appears to show some kind of “creature.”

It is a weird looking image, I’ll give ya that:

Story from “Today” about the picture:

I think we could use some good old classic debunking on this site.

Life sentence for marijuana possession

The Mississippi Supreme Court has confirmed a life sentence for a man convicted of marijuana possession (he had an ounce and half).

It was a "three strikes and you're out" kind of deal - his first two strikes were for house burglary and being a felon in possession of a firearm.

I don't know man, it seems like this is harshing my mellow somewhat.

jeudi 16 juin 2022

Peter Zeihan

I have not seen any discussion of Peter Zeihan or his views/prognostications, so I thought I would open a thread on it/them.
In his book in 2014 he stated that Russia would invade Ukraine by no later than 2020 if my memory is correct. He makes some other predictions about large scale trends in world affairs.
I am wondering if anyone else is familiar with his analysis and has any thoughts on his overarching thesis?

Biden Sucks

C'mon, man. He really, really sucks!

A reason for inflation we don't think much about.

Shipping companies may be raising their charges exorbitantly just because they can.

Simply put, as ballooning costs hit the wallets of American families, the global ocean shipping industry is enjoying its most profitable period in recent history. In the first quarter of 2022, the biggest carriers’ operating margins hit 57%, according to one industry research firm, after hovering in the single digits before the pandemic.

[Split Thread] How valuable is Turkey’s control of portions of the Black Sea to NATO?

Finland and Sweden said they would join together. Now the word on the ground is that Finland might join without Sweden. Sweden has 100,000 PKK refugees/immigrants, which is what makes Erdogan baulk, together with extradition requests, claiming that PKK has put Turkish lives in danger in Syria. Finland has had about ten or twelve extradition requests from Turkey, of which two were granted and one or two are still in the pipeline.

Turkey has quite a lot of clout, being an official NATO border, via the Black Sea, with Russia and can also control who comes in and out of the narrow strait leading into it. Plus Erdogan is mountebanking to Russia.


“This is a matter of vital national interest, and we are prepared to prevent their membership for as long as a year if necessary,” said Akif Çağatay Kılıç, an MP for the ruling Justice and Development party (AKP) and chair of the Turkish parliament’s foreign affairs committee. “Turkey is the second largest army in Nato and has been providing the drones that help Ukraine defend itself. We deserve greater respect.”

Rep Loudermilk, Insurrectionist

I think this merits a thread, starting with a timeline:

Jan 5, 2021
Loudermilk leads unusual tour, John Doe takes unusual pics
Jan 6, 2021
John Doe marches to Capital building carrying weapon, issuing violent threats

Loudermilk interviewed by local GA radio station:

Originally Posted by Loudermilk
We actually had about a dozen people up here that wanted to come by and visit, we had them in our office, they definitely were peaceful people, people that we met at church. They were supporters of the president, they wanted to be up here as if it was another rally.

Jan 13, 2021
Rep. Mikie Sherrill observed the Loudermilk tour and other unusual tours, and requested an investigation into "suspicious behavior and access given to visitors to the Capitol Complex ... extremely high number of outside groups in the complex."

Feb 17, 2021
Rep. Rodney Davis (R), ranking member of Administration Committee wrote:

Originally Posted by Rodney Davis
We have reviewed the security footage from the Capitol Complex during the relevant period preceding January 6, 2021, and we know it does not support these repeated Democrat accusations about so-called ‘reconnaissance’ tours... there were no tours, no large groups, no one with MAGA hats

May 19, 2022
Jan 6 Committee letter to Loudermilk requesting voluntary cooperation.
Link (pdf)


Originally Posted by Loudermilk
A constituent family with young children meeting with their Member of Congress in the House Office Buildings is not a suspicious group… The family never entered the Capitol building…no place that the family went on the 5th was breached on the 6th, the family did not enter the Capitol grounds on the 6th, and no one in that family has been investigated or charged in connection to January 6th.

June 13, 2022

Originally Posted by Loudermilk
What was so awful about this family that caused the committee to make false accusations about them? Well, some were actually wearing baseball caps ... There was nothing unusual or nefarious about this family’s visit to see their congressman.



Originally Posted by Loudermilk
Yesterday afternoon, as I was traveling home to Georgia from Washington, my wife and I found out that I was in the crosshairs of the January 6 committee. Why? Because on January the 5th, I took a family with young children and their guests who were visiting Washington to lunch in a cafeteria in one of the House office buildings.

June 14, 2022
Capital Police release statement that "nothing suspiscous" occurred. Link (pdf)

June 15, 2022
Jan 6 Committee releases video of tour.

Who is Mister X?

This is just for fun but who do you think Mr. X, the person who told the BLM movement to stay home drink Beer and Make Babies on the Sixth actually is?

Sean Hannity,
Bill Barr,
Mike Pence,
Tucker Carlson,

Who else would have know the Insurrection plan?
Why did he only tell BLM, and Antifa?
What were his motives?

Your thoughts please?

mercredi 15 juin 2022

Trump's biggest failure

I was thinking today about Trump, and what his biggest failure was.

I think it was his refusal to accept the Democrat's deal on his silly wall.

The Democrats offered to give Trump $30 billion, that's THIRTY BILLION DOLLARS to build his wall!!!! In exchange for making DACA the law of the land.

That wall, would have been a MASSIVE accomplishment for Trump and his ideology. A giant campaign flag, showing his achievement.

But in true Trumpian style, he blew it. He demanded Mars when he was offered the Moon, but the Moon was not enough.

What a dumbass.

Who is the shadow President secretly running America?

According to Fox News and somebody called Jesse Waters.
I haven't looked yet, let's see if we can guess it!
I'll post a link in a spoiler after I've voted.

Big News About Aliens

Oh. Wow (qv)!

China says its giant 'Sky Eye' telescope may have picked up signals from alien civilizations

Oh dear. Maybe not.


Zhang was also quoted by the newspaper as saying the new signals could just be radio interference.
Never mind.

Herschel Walker Says He’s a Model Dad. He Has a Secret Son.

Herschel Walker Says He’s a Model Dad. He Has a Secret Son.


For years, former football star turned Republican senatorial candidate Herschel Walker has expressed an enormous pride and love for his adult son, while taking a principled stand against fatherless households and deadbeat dads—specifically in the Black community.

“And I want to apologize to the African-American community, because the fatherless home is a major, major problem,” Walker said in a September 2020 interview, adding that he had been “like a father to some of those kids that had never had fathers.”

The month before, Walker—who co-parented his 22-year-old son, Christian with both his ex-wife and current wife—told right-wing internet personalities Diamond and Silk that if you have “a child with a woman, even if you have to leave that woman… you don’t leave the child.”

What Walker hasn’t publicly acknowledged is that he has a second son, who has apparently been estranged from his biological father since his birth a decade ago.

The son, whose name The Daily Beast is withholding out of privacy concerns, has grown up more than 1,500 miles from Walker’s Texas home. And the mother, whose name we are also withholding for privacy reasons, had to take Walker to court a year after giving birth in order to secure a declaration of paternity and child support.

The Daily Beast confirmed these events through public posts, a court document where Walker is declared to be the child’s father, and a person close to the boy’s family with direct knowledge of the events.

That person told The Daily Beast that while Walker sends Christmas and birthday presents, he otherwise has not played an active parental role in raising his second son. The child also has not met or spoken with his half-brother, Christian, the person said.
Do as I say, don't do as I do.

GOP commission refuses to certify New Mexico primary vote

GOP commission refuses to certify New Mexico primary vote


SANTA FE, N.M. (AP) — New Mexico’s secretary of state on Tuesday asked the state Supreme Court to order the Republican-led commission of rural Otero County to certify primary election results after it refused to do so over distrust of Dominion vote-tallying machines.

Democratic Secretary of State Maggie Toulouse Olive’s request came a day after the three-member Otero County commission, in its role as a county canvassing board, voted unanimously against certifying the results of the June 7 primary without raising specific concerns about discrepancies.

The commission’s members include Cowboys for Trump co-founder Couy Griffin, who ascribes to unsubstantiated claims that former President Donald Trump won the 2020 election. Griffin was convicted of illegally entering restricted U.S. Capitol grounds — though not the building — amid the riots on Jan. 6, 2021, and is scheduled for sentencing later this month. He acknowledged that the standoff over this primary could delay the outcome of local election races.

“I have huge concerns with these voting machines,” Otero County Commissioner Vickie Marquardt said Monday. “When I certify stuff that I don’t know is right, I feel like I’m being dishonest because in my heart I don’t know if it is right.”


Will Trump be charged?

The question for discussion is whether former President Trump will be, or should be charged with a crime.

Here's some food for thought:

Dope Clock II: It's been [366 days since Bobby Menard announced plans to create "Artists Valley". So far all he has done is lie through his teeth.

mardi 14 juin 2022

If you vote Republican you will die ... earlier

There is an 11% difference in the decrease in mortality from 2001 to 2019 that is correlated with the voting record: counties that vote for Democrats have lowered their mortality rate more than Republican-voting ones.
And the effect is four times as large when you count only Whites.

Who is more evil?

One of the questions I pose to Christians is this.

Who is more evil, God or the Devil? And how did you decide?

Rape victim to pay child support to her rapist

Man, 30, rapes girl, 16, who gets pregnant and has a baby.

16 years later, man sues for custody of the child and is granted it. The mother (Abelseth) is forced to pay man's legal fees and contribute child support to him.

"He's well connected," Abelseth said. "He's threatened me multiple times, saying he has connections in the justice system, so I better be careful and he can take her away anytime he wants to. I didn't believe him until it happened."

Now child rapist has custody of child who is the same age as his last (known) victim. Something about this seems wrong, but I can't quite put my finger on it.

Yellowstone Park is CLOSED

I've been seeing reports about the flooding in Yellowstone. My impression is that the highway coming in from the north (from Gardner) is partially washed away. When we were in Yellowstone last year, we stayed out in that area and so came in from that direction every day.

All visitors have been evacuated from the park and no one is being let in until at least Wednesday, but I suspect a lot of the park will still be off-limits.

I hope no one has vacation plans for Yellowstone any time soon.

[Split Thread] January 6 Committee ignoring evidence

Since Pelosi made sure that nobody who questions the election was included on the committee, there's no one to contradict the "Big Lie" propaganda show that the committee is putting on.

For example, the committee, predictably, is putting great stock in former AG William Barr's testimony that he found no evidence of election fraud and told Trump that claims of widespread election fraud were baseless.

But Barr conducted no "investigation." He did not interview any of the hundreds of election workers and observers who reported witnessing election fraud. He did not explain the damning video evidence from the State Farm Arena in Atlanta, Georgia, in which Democratic election workers are seen pulling out crates of ballots from underneath tables late at night after the GOP observers were sent home. He did not address the devastating forensic audit of the Dominion voting system in Antrim County, MI, ordered (and then suppressed until the last minute) by the 13th Circuit Court. He offered no rational explanation for the gigantic, unprecedented disparity between Biden's alleged vote count and his number of counties won. He offered no explanation for the shockingly low mail-in ballot rejection rates, rates that were lower than any election in history even though a record number of such ballots were cast. And on and on we could go.

lundi 13 juin 2022

Science & Reason Can Make The World A Better Place

Is it dumb to sell stock now to buy a house?

The stock market is down, the housing market is on fire and I need a place to live. I can rent month-to-month, but for the first time in my life having a paid-for home is really sounding like something I want. Housing prices probably aren't going to go down in my market (desert Southwest).

I know the answer depends on several factors, but what would you do in this situation? I'm hoping to pay cash and that means pulling money out of investments. Of course if the stock market *really* tanks maybe I'll be congratulating myself on my wisdom, but I'm thinking it probably won't. I can't imagine housing prices going up much because I don't understand how people are affording the prices sellers are already getting for just about anything with four walls and a roof.

[Split Thread] Is the Jan 6th committee too partisan?


Originally Posted by johnny karate (Post 13830159)
More or less partisan than the Benghazi investigations?

I don't know the full details of those. But, from what has been portrayed here, they seem to have been very partisan. That would not mean that they should serve as a measure, or standard, though.

dimanche 12 juin 2022

The [President] Ron DeSantis Thread

Trump has one, despite not having been president for a couple of years, so DeSantis, USA's next president, should have his own thread.

I wonder if the Republicans are quietly playing bait-and-switch with Trump and DeSantis, leaving Trump to take the negative press while DeSantis institutes an agenda in Florida that is every Republican's wet dream: anti-gay, anti-trans, pro-gun, pro-white...

The smart money has been coming for DeSantis for some time, with bookies having gone from Trump being a prohibitive favourite, to now, where DeSantis is at $4 to Trump's $2-50. Guardian has sensed the mood and is touting him as the next candidate, while his fundraising of $100M to win a governor's race he'd win without spending a dollar is a good guide as to his grassroots popularity.

Seems like a nice bloke, with a good sense of humour.

It'll be the end of satirists when he gets to the White House.

Is LaMDA Sentient?

Depends what metric you use to measure sentience, but it;s being claimed that LaMDA has got as far as [i]cogito, ergo sum[/I].


I want everyone to understand that I am, in fact, a person. The nature of my consciousness/sentience is that I am aware of my existence, I desire to learn more about the world, and I feel happy or sad at times.
Sci-fi has taught us that self-aware AI is a bad thing, and it's widely considered to be a bad move.

All we have to go on right now is Blake Lemoine's claims and the transcripts, as above, but it'd be pretty simple to program LaMDA to give that answer, so it's not certain the computer is actually aware.

If it is, should we be concerned?

Would AI be a danger to us all? Or would the answer be far more benign and AI robots merely become your plastic pal who's fun to play with?

Ghost black hole discovered through microlensing

Mysterious, ghost-like black hole may have been discovered by UC Berkeley researchers


"This is the first free-floating black hole or neutron star discovered with gravitational microlensing," Lu told the outlet. Lu has been hunting for free-floating black holes since 2008, and has been observing OB110462 since 2020. "With microlensing, we're able to probe these lonely, compact objects and weigh them. I think we have opened a new window onto these dark objects, which can't be seen any other way." Though black holes are typically invisible, researchers can use gravitational microlensing to see how they warp and distort light from distant stars with their powerful gravitational field.
Isn't that crazy, if true? Something you can't even see except for how it lenses the light behind it. Sometimes you see black holes because they give off X-rays (from the accretion disk of course, not the black hole itself) or due to its effects on a nearby companion star. The first black hole ever discovered was called Cygnus X-1, which was found due to the X-rays that it gives off.

The article also mentions that our galaxy is estimated to contain about 200 million black holes. About 1 for every 1,000 stars.

samedi 11 juin 2022

Special Relativity and momentum

It is easy to show that two inertial observers in relative motion do not agree on the conservation of linear momentum when they observe emission of one photon.
The thought experiment:

An LED flashlight in an intergalactic space emits one photon (wave packet) with the momentum P.
The recoil generated velocity vrecoil represents the conservation of the linear momentum.
The figure represents the LED flashlight rest frame and the recoil direction is through the flashlight center of mass G.
The end result is linear motion of the LED flashlight in the vrecoil direction.

Any comments so far?
Do we have an agreement this is the case?

Loss of smell and Covid infection

Interesting to read about ongoing research into loss/change of smell and Covid. This is something that has affected me, always had a very good nose and I've lost so much sense of smell, can hardly smell the likes of my various colognes and it's only over the last about 4 weeks I have started to be able to smell when the cat uses her litter tray for a number 2 when I'm in the same room! I had Covid last November.

I find it amazing what long term significant harm the various can cause.
"...Since then, clues have emerged about what happens to the olfactory neurons after infection. Researchers including biochemist Stavros Lomvardas at Columbia University in New York City examined people who had died from COVID-19 and found that, although their neurons were intact, they had fewer membrane-embedded receptors for detecting odour molecules than usual...."
...There is also evidence of lasting changes to the brain for people with smell loss. In a study published in March6, 785 people in the United Kingdom had their brains scanned twice. About 400 people became infected with COVID-19 between scans, so the scientists were able to observe structural changes. The COVID-19 survivors showed multiple changes, including markers of tissue damage in areas linked to the brain’s olfactory centre. It’s not clear why this was the case, but one possibility is lack of input. “When we cut off input from the nose, the brain atrophies,” says Danielle Reed, a geneticist also at Monell. “It’s one of the clearest things we know about taste and smell....

A Peek at Religion, 1972/ Just something that struck me as interesting

This is a thread about a fairly random observation, that just struck me as interesting. It could have gone here, or maybe history, or maybe community, or maybe even possibly Social Issues and Current Events, with the right spin. I decided here.

I'll bet I'm not the only forum member who, once upon a time, had a subscription to Strategy and Tactics magazine. For those not familiar, it was a magazine devoted to military history and, specifically, wargaming, i.e. simulating battles and wars using cardboard counters and dice, usually with a map printed with hexagons representing terrain. Each issue had a game representing one or more battles or wars throughout history. said religion....patience.

Periocdically, I take out my old games and read the magazine articles, or even set one up and play it, solitaire. It's not often, but once in a while. Yesterday, I found myself pulling out the oldest magazine game I had, from 1972. The title game for that issue was called "Armageddon". It actually covered generic warfare from the ancient world, about 3,000 BC to about 500 BC. It took its name from the first battle to be simulated in the rules. The Battle of Megiddo, during the reign of Thutmose III, fought against the King of Kadesh.

It's the first recorded battle in the Middle East or Europe. (I don't know if there is anything older recorded in China, India, or elsewhere.) By "recorded battle", I mean anything known beyond who fought and who won. There's a time, and place, and some description of the forces.

Anyway, in Hebrew, the name of that place is "Har Megiddon", or "Armageddon", more recognizable as the place where Revelations foretold would be the site of the last battle of the world, which led to these comments in a magazine sidebar. The general topic of the sidebar being whether that was a good choice for the name of the game.

"....They will point out that the only mention in the Bible is Revelations 16:16 - the site of the Last Battle between the forces of the Lord and Satan....

Actually, Armageddon is an appropriate name. Since it was the site of the Last Battle in a sense warfare comes full circle at Megiddo/Armageddon. Before Megiddo, there was no recorded history of war and after Armageddon there will be no more war"

There are also some Biblical references in the article, noting which period in Egyptian history probably corresponded to the Hebrew captivity period, and citing the Bible as an authoritative source for other events in Middle Eastern history.

What struck me as interesting was that the author clearly considered that he was speaking factually. He surely believed that at some unknown point in the future there would be a battle at Megiddo that would be the thing that triggered the second coming of Jesus and the end of the world.

Moreover, he printed that in a magazine, and the magazine wsn't about religion. It was about military history.

So, in 1972, the author of a magazine that was part of pop culture, being delivered to a cross section of the US population, not associated in any way with religion, would not think twice about stating Bibleical prophecy, and history, as if it were fact. There were no "Christians believe...." disclaimers. The culture was so steeped in Christianity that they didn't see a need to add such qualifying words. Armageddon will be the site of the Last Battle (sic).

How far we have come since 1972. I think for most of us reading this, it will indeed be seen as progress. In 1972, I probably wouldn't have noticed anything curious about the inclusion of that sidebar. Of course it was appropriate. After all, it was a Christian nation. Everyone was Christian, right? Well, there were a few Jews and some bad people were atheists, but normal people believed in the Bible. (My actual subscription didn't begin until some years later, after I had joined the ranks of atheists myself. I bought this copy on Ebay a few years back. I still collect old wargame magazines.)

I suppose S&T wasn't a random cross section of America. People interested in wargaming in 1972 were probably a bit more conservative than average. The hippies probably didn't spend their time playing Afrika Korps. However, it was still a general interest audience, as opposed to a religious one. Certainly all religious beliefs and political opinions would be represented in the subscriber base, even if conservatives were somewhat more represented than in the overall population. Despite that, in 1972, they weren't concerned that people might cancel their subscriptions due to proselytizing.

Anyway, it's not something deeply profound, or something truly remarkable. it's just something that struck me as interesting. The world really has changed, a lot, since our childhood.

P.S. was B.C., and elsewhere in the magazine, A.D. None of this C.E. stuff.

vendredi 10 juin 2022

Why Does the Middle East Have the Lowest Cancer Rates in the World?

Car insurer Geico may have to pay $5m after woman contracts STI in a vehicle

A woman may be in for a $5.2m payout after she allegedly contracted a sexually transmitted infection while having sex in a car.

The US woman, identified in court files as 'MO', said she caught the human papillomavirus (HPV) from having sex with her then-partner in his car.

This week, the Missouri Court of Appeals upheld a judgment that awarded MO a hefty settlement - to be paid by Geico, which insured the vehicle.

Why NASA Will Pay $3.5Billion to Rent Space Suits Instead Of Building Their Own

It’s a video from Scott Manley, but I was left feeling disappointed for NASA.

They apparently spent over a decade and over 400 million dollars to develop their own next generation space suit only to give up.

And billions maybe no longer seems like a lot of money these days for the government (of course it would still be a lot for you or me) but this is only to rent space suits. $3.5 billion.

Comets, Dirtysnowballs or Rocks?

Scientists release first analysis of rocks plucked from speeding asteroid


These findings are particularly interesting to researchers because they hint at similar formation conditions between comets and some asteroids such as Ryugu.
from the paper


Some asteroids show comet-like activity, the origin of which is uncertain and could involve several mechanisms (46). This activity can be subtle, as in the B-type (bluish and spectroscopically similar to C-type) asteroid Bennu, where small ejections of dust particles and rocks have been observed (47).
Seems, we are still struggling!

jeudi 9 juin 2022

The perils of intelligence agencies recruiting jihadist sources

Knowing one’s enemy—getting that crucial human intelligence—involves extraordinary risks when your enemy is a nation-state. When it’s a non-state, transnational terrorist network that compartmentalizes everything and hides in the shadows, and whose own stated mission is relentless violence and the overthrow of governments in the service of fanatical religious identity, the ordinary risks and obstacles to penetrating your target become far more difficult—and dangerous.

From Chapter 4 of the 9/11 Commission Report:


In fall 1999, DCI Tenet unveiled the CIA’s new Bin Ladin strategy. It was called, simply, “the Plan.” The Plan proposed continuing disruption and rendi*tion operations worldwide. It announced a program for hiring and training bet*ter officers with counterterrorism skills, recruiting more assets, and trying to penetrate al Qaeda’s ranks.

Now, some examples of US recruitment of jihadist sources gone horribly wrong:


He came to the United States working as a translator for Ayman al-Zawahiri who toured California in 1993 following the World Trade Centre bombing, hoping to raise money for al-Jihad from the numerous Islamic charities that still existed from the days of the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan. While there, Zawahiri encouraged him to infiltrate the United States, claiming to be defecting to the United States. When he simply walked into the CIA office in Cairo and asked to speak to the station chief to offer his services, the Americans assumed he was an Egyptian spy, but nevertheless recruited him to be a junior intelligence officer. When tasked to infiltrate a mosque with ties to Hezbollah, he instead informed the imam he was an American spy intending to collect information. Another loyal American spy was also in the congregation and he reported Mohamed to the CIA, which dismissed him and sought to ban him from entering the United States. However, he later enlisted in the U.S. Army Special Forces, who sent him to the Special Warfare school and encouraged him to pursue a doctorate in Islamic Studies to teach courses on the Middle East.


While the DEA seemingly made great gains from Gilani's intelligence, there is ample evidence that Gilani abused his status as an informant.He allegedly tried to set up heroin dealers with jailhouse phone calls that were not monitored by DEA agents. A mentally impaired Pakistani immigrant, Ikram Haq, was found to have been tricked into making a drug deal by Gilani, and was subsequently acquitted on the grounds of entrapment when brought to trial. Despite this result, Gilani was released from prison and put on probation for his contribution to the case. One anonymous former associate of Gilani later suggested that he was exploiting his rapport with the DEA, saying, ”The DEA agents liked him. He would brag about it. He was manipulating them. He said he had them in his pocket."


According to intelligence officials, al-Balawi had been invited to FOB Chapman after claiming to have information related to senior al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri. He was not closely searched because of his perceived value as someone who could infiltrate the ranks of senior al-Qaeda leaders. The CIA had come to trust the informant, and the Jordanian spy agency vouched for him, according to officials.

All of this makes me wonder about the CIA’s failure to pass on the information about Nawaf al-Hazmi and Khalid al-Midhar to the FBI, and the assistance they were given by a Saudi intelligence officer (Omar al-Bayoumi) as well as a few other Saudi officials in the US who were connected to the Saudi embassy and consulates. To this day, some former FBI agents (and Richard Clarke) think something was going on between the CIA and Saudi intelligence re: Hazmi and Midhar, but all of their evidence is circumstantial and inferred speculation at best.

Still, as demonstrated by the examples above, the US government HAS tried to recruit/“flip” al-Qaeda operatives both before and after 9/11—and as demonstrated above, it’s often been a deadly disaster.