jeudi 18 décembre 2014

Are some diets “mass murder”?

From the department of "No, don't hold back... tell us what you *really* think."

BMJ: [Are some diets “mass murder”?]



Jean Mayer, one of the “greats” of nutrition science, said in 1965, in the colourful language that has characterised arguments over diet, that prescribing a diet restricted in carbohydrates to the public was “the equivalent of mass murder.”1 Having ploughed my way through five books on diet and some of the key studies to write this article, I’m left with the impression that the same accusation of “mass murder” could be directed at many players in the great diet game. In short, bold policies have been based on fragile science, and the long term results may be terrible.2 3 4 5 6


It's an editorial by Richard Smith, who was actually editor of the BMJ for years and IMO highly esteemed. I also think he may be regrettably moving into Paul Hellyer and Linus Pauling territory in his sunset years.

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