mardi 3 février 2015

Something very strange is happening in Scotland

Actually, it started happening within days or even hours of the independence referendum result. People started joining the SNP in droves, and the other two smaller independence-supporting parties in significant numbers. SNP membership, which had been steadily if unspectacularly growing for some time, sat at 25,000 on the day of the referendum. Latest figures, which actually date back to November or December, are about 94,000.

At the same time the opinion polls went crazy. Labour and the SNP switched places almost overnight. Insane Labour-to-SNP swings have been recorded in multiple opinion polls for the past four months, and seem to be hardening rather than evaporating. (And when the independence question is put, the polls are now showing a consistent, though small, lead for Yes.)

Now a set of detailed polls of Scottish constituencies has been accidentally released a few hours early. The figures available show even the seats Labour was expected to hold, going by the country-wide figures, falling to the SNP. These results are partial, and no doubt consist of the most dramatic, but they redefine sensational.

Here's a preliminary roundup.

I've been sweating blood for over 20 years for the SNP, and seen only modest Westminster gains. I can't help feeling I've entered a parallel universe or something. But it seems to be real and while no doubt some of the lead will bleed away before 7th May, something seismic is brewing up.

On these figures the SNP will comfortably outnumber the LibDems and UKIP after May. Maybe put together. Interesting times.

ETA: Here's the official link now.

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