Marina Hyde wrote an excellent piece in The Guardian about holding demons up to ridicule, noting that it isn't really happening with ISIS/Al Qaeda/......
Southpark had their Mohammed episode and The Simpsons chipped in, but on TV, nothing of note since.
British TV in particular has a proud tradition of ridiculing the worst criminals of all time - the Nazis, plus pretty well every other person or group in all existence. If there were someone Monty Python didn't ridicule it was only because it wasn't a visible issue in the '70s and they are not alone in the annals of UKTV taking the piss.
Charlie Hebdo made some cartoons and got killed for their trouble, while the original Mohammed cartoonists' newspaper got bombed.
Is ridiculing them a sane answer, or should we all be too scared to take the piss out of a bunch of sad little boys? (albeit very well-armed, sad little boys) Or is it fuelling the fire?
Here's an example:
Allahu Snakbar!
Southpark had their Mohammed episode and The Simpsons chipped in, but on TV, nothing of note since.
British TV in particular has a proud tradition of ridiculing the worst criminals of all time - the Nazis, plus pretty well every other person or group in all existence. If there were someone Monty Python didn't ridicule it was only because it wasn't a visible issue in the '70s and they are not alone in the annals of UKTV taking the piss.
Charlie Hebdo made some cartoons and got killed for their trouble, while the original Mohammed cartoonists' newspaper got bombed.
Is ridiculing them a sane answer, or should we all be too scared to take the piss out of a bunch of sad little boys? (albeit very well-armed, sad little boys) Or is it fuelling the fire?
Here's an example:
Allahu Snakbar!
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