vendredi 1 janvier 2016

Students of Color Demand:

I don't know what a "student of color" is (Art students? Color photography enthusiasts?), but they've got some pretty interesting demands.

WE DEMAND free tuition for Black and indigenous students.

I guess Hispanics and Asians have too much money.

We request a better, more accessible, and properly marketed Bias Incident Report Protocol in which more visibility is brought to any incidents that may occur, and further that they are properly addressed by the community.

Certainly, BIRPS should be properly marketed.

We demand that if any of these demands are unable to be met we demand that the university make a public response explaining explicitly the rationale for the non-compliance.

Or if that demand isn't met, we demand that the demand to demand...

We demand the hiring of a full time Greek Life advisor for United Sorority & Fraternity Council. This advisor must hold extensive experience with cultural greek organizations.

The Greeks have been living their lives for far too long without an advisor.

Place all undocumented students in the domestic/U.S.A. applicant pool, not the international admissions pool. If not placed in the domestic pool, the admissions office shall release a statement explaining the processes taken in admissions for undocumented students.

What's an "undocumented student"? Is that someone who lost their transcripts? Certainly, they should be placed in the U.S.A. applicant pool.

Black professors when in non-traditional or traditional disciplines must not be abused by the overwhelmingly white academy. Professors, too, need protection for the violent, racist and sexist incidents that they endure from their white colleagues in their departments.

I think there already laws on the books for that.

We suggest that every week a faculty member come forward and publicly admit their participation in racism inside the classroom via a letter to the editor in the Guilfordian.


We demand an increase in the number of full-time Black faculty members, both in the Center for Africana Studies and throughout other departments within the institution. Moreover, we demand equal representation of self-identifying men, women, and non-binary Black individuals within these positions.


For an entire list of demands, see:

Students of color clearly have well-thought out demands that I'm sure will implemented, post haste!

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