samedi 26 mars 2016

A letter to UFODATA

UFODATA is a newly formed body dedicated to the search for ET truth
Disclaimer, I do not support in any way UFODATA.
Below is a copy of my email to UFODATA

With hindsight, it's somewhat hard to believe that yet another remote sensing station, or even a multiplicity of such stations will add any significant scientific understanding to the study of UFOs. Despite 30 years of research, the Hessdalen team as yet to arrive at any conclusions.
As far as I can see from your website, the most part of your staff are already convinced of extraterrestrial visitation which beggars the question, are you really interested in natural phenomena, or do you have other interests at heart?
I do not consider MUFON, or the Allen J. Hynek institute to support serious science, reports from this website only convince me of the non science.
A number of your board members have also given me doubts as to the quality of science these members might bring to the enterprise, these are, David Akers, and although your site describes him as something of an electronic whizz kid who runs a high tech company,
“He is the owner of the Polyarts Company, an engineering consulting and electronics design firm based in Washington state, USA. Specialty areas include forensic investigations and problem solving for state and Federal agencies”.
I have tried to contact this company without success, where there is no telephone number on which I might contact Mr. Akers, and seems strange given that he supports Federal Agencies! He does however seem interested in “Earthlights”.
Robert Powell has been a director of the popular MUFON organization, however I find they have contributed little if anything to the study of extraterrestrials.
The same goes for Mark Rodeghier, who has contributed much to non science.
I have searched the European Space Agency for the qualifications of Mr Philippe Ailleris, without success.

There are those who would profit from ignorance.

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