The police don't need to be the guinea pigs. Industry has had years to refine the technology and bring it to market. Unfortunately various anti-gun politicians have been promoting various bills and laws that were roadblocks and did nothing to actually encourage the typical gun owner to adopt the new technology.
Gee, I wonder why no one thought of that before?
This is why. Why anyone thought the NJ law was supposed to encourage smart gun tech when all it did was convince people to oppose it is a mystery to me. Even after it become obvious to the bill prime sponsor she dragged her feet on amending the statute.
When she finally got off her ass to amend the law, Christie steps in with a bonehead veto.
President Barack Obama is opening a new front in the gun control debate, readying a big push for so-called smart gun technology an initiative that the gun lobby and law enforcement rank and file is already mobilizing against. Police officers in general, federal officers in particular, shouldnt be asked to be the guinea pigs in evaluating a firearm that nobodys even seen yet, said James Pasco, executive director of the Fraternal Order of Police. We have some very, very serious questions. |
Entrepreneurs and researchers whove worked on smart guns say that government will have to take the lead on creating a viable market and showing the guns work when police and military use them not the bully pulpit, but the buying power of these public agencies, as Don Sebastian of the New Jersey Institute for Technology put it in an interview. |
In 2002, a New Jersey law required that all gun shops sell only personalized guns within three years of a proven product hitting the market. To avoid triggering New Jerseys countdown, gun rights activists pressured retailers not to sell any version, even harassing stores in California and Maryland that tried to sell one. |
Recognizing the unintended consequence, New Jersey Democrats tried to loosen up the rule recently, requiring New Jersey retailers to simply include a smart gun in their stock once a version is on the market, but Republican Gov. Chris Christie, in the thick of his presidential bid, killed it with a pocket veto in January. |
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