samedi 24 septembre 2016

Paying for support

For most of my life I've been a hands-on tech enthusiast and have spent a lot of time surrounded by various PC components. I built my first PC back in 1994 - a superpowerful 486 box - and kept on building away until I found a good recent second-hand kit supplier in Zurich around 2003, and in spite of not following the developments in technology very closely over the last decade I've still been happy to replace disks and graphics cards and fans and all that kind of stuff.

But today, for the first time ever, I've turned to paid, professional support.

My daughter uses an old iMac of mine, a 21.5" model from late 2009 that is still a lovely piece of kit. In going to upgrade to macOS Sierra, though, it was clear that the hard disk was on its way out and needed replacing. So I looked for information online and found out what would be involved.

No way I'm going to get involved with that. It's a combination of Apple complexity, my declining appetite for tech stress, and my perception of the value of my leisure time. I don't trust myself to dismantle the thing without shattering any key components and I have no idea what kind of disk to get. So the friendly guy in the local shop can spend an hour or so doing the necessary, with my gratitude.

Tonight I don't know if I'm feeling cowardly, mature, or old.

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