vendredi 6 janvier 2017

Can the Weidlinger WTC 7 report replace the NIST WTC 7 report?

The NIST WTC 7 report has been shown to be invalid due to the omission, distortion, or ignoring of pertinent structural features which would have precluded its claimed failure initiation mechanisms. It has also been shown that its alleged floor cascade could not have occurred due to a paucity of impact force required to shear the seat of the girder below if a girder had fallen from the 13th floor in the northeast corner of the building.

The ARUP experts report done for the plaintiffs in the Aegis Insurance Co. v. WTC 7 Properties court case suffers from the same paucity of impact force required to shear the seat of the girder below. This is true even if the girder below was heated to 500 C, as claimed in the NIST WTC 7 report.

The report done by Weidlinger Associates for the defendants in the Aegis Insurance v. WTC 7 Properties claims that while the ARUP case for floor cascade cannot occur at 500 C it could occur if the steel framing of the floor below was extremely hot, such as in the 800 C range. The report references a thermal analysis done in 2010 by Craig Beyler of Hughes Associates. The problem is that the Weidlinger report was never entered into the court record, and while it has been made public, the thermal analysis on which it depends for its conclusions has not. It thus appears that the extraordinary steel temperatures claimed in the Weidlinger report are essentially unsupported. This would preclude the Weidlinger report from being considered a valid replacement for the now discredited NIST WTC 7 report, at least until the thermal analysis it depends on for its conclusions has been made public and shown to be valid itself.

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