mercredi 4 janvier 2017

If not Hillary, who?

One of the major criticisms of the Democratic party this year was that Hillary Clinton was pretty much anointed as the "presumptive" nominee years ago, certainly after 2012, maybe after 2008, despite her weaknesses. Thought experiment: Suppose Hillary had announced early that one presidential campaign was enough, and she wouldn't run in 2016. Who would have filled the vacuum? I'm pretty sure Andrew Cuomo, Kirsten Gillibrand and Chuck Schumer from New York would all have considered it. Sanders, who basically ran as an alternative to Hillary, might have stayed out. Maybe Joe Biden would have gotten a campaign underway before his son died. Maybe Mark Warner. Maybe Richard Blumenthal. Maybe Maria Cantwell. Maybe John Hickelooper. Maybe Tim Kaine. If Clinton had never run, who would the Democratic nominee likely have been? And would he/she -- without Hillary's baggage -- have beaten Trump?

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