Congress set to certify Electoral College victory for Trump
As Congress prepares to certify Donald Trump's election as president on Friday, it will follow a system set up by the Founding Fathers... In the 2016 election, two Texas electors broke from President-elect Trump. One cast a ballot for Ohio Gov. John Kasich. One voted for former Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas. In Washington state, there were four faithless electors. Three Washington electors pledged to Hillary Clinton voted for Colin Powell. One voted for Native American activist Faith Spotted Eagle. In Hawaii, a Clinton elector voted for Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt. That gave Trump 304 votes in the final electoral tally to Clinton's 227. The Archivist of the United States has transmitted the electoral certificates provided by the governors to both the House and Senate. The Electoral College vote will be officially tabulated Friday, when Congress holds a Joint Meeting with Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, R-Wis., and Vice President Joe Biden presiding. Congress will tabulate the states' electoral slates in alphabetical order. Four vote counters, known as tellers and typically two House and two Senate members, will announce the results. If there is a dispute over a state's electors, a debate can be called. This is the second circuit-breaker, and is in accordance with the Founders' dictate that the House and Senate would serve as the ultimate arbiter of each states electoral slate. If theres a disagreement, a member of the House and Senate must jointly contest an individual states electoral ballots. If that happens, the House and Senate would dissolve into their separate bodies, debate the issue for two hours and then vote to accept or reject that states electoral vote. Both houses would later reconvene to finally settle the issue. |
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