vendredi 17 février 2017

Special Relativity - How Fast Would I need To Travel...

Disclaimer: I am not an expert on special relativity, that will become painfully obvious. I have studied it to some degree, but as a layman. I'm just a dude who loves science asking a silly question.

My question is probably full of holes, but for starters:

Let's say I want to "go forward" in time 100 years. By this I mean that I want to travel "super fast" and come back to Earth 100 "Earth years" later, 2117 I guess. I would like to age very little during this process. The time I wish to age will obviously affect how fast I need to go. Let's say one year for now (whatever a year even is at relativistic speeds).

How fast/far would I need to go?

Is this actually possible or am I misunderstanding the concept?

I "know" that time dilation is compensated for with GPS systems so it is a "thing". I feel like a dork for claiming that I "know" any of this.

As a secondary question, how far could one go "forward in time" using today's technology.

I realize my question probably needs refinement so feel free to hack it up.

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