The White House is apparently considering an "outside" review of the intel agencies. Setting aside the fact that this is the job of the ODNI, what makes this even more laughable is the person they are apparently considering to do it.
You know, I wouldn't necessarily object to this if he'd tapped someone with experience in the field; there are any number of retired intel officials he could have chosen for this, but no, he's apparently going with someone with NO intel experience whatsoever. Exactly what expertise is this Feinberg bringing to this so-called review? It's yet another example of Trump picking someone who has zero experience in the arena they've been chosen to review/lead (i.e. DeVos or Carson). What exactly is his objection to utilizing the experienced people in these areas, for Pete's sake? Is it just cronyism, or is it just that he's stupid? Someone, please explain this to me.
The White House is considering tapping Stephen Feinberg, founder of a New York investment firm and a longtime friend to President Donald Trump, to conduct a review of US intelligence agencies, according to US officials with knowledge of the plans. |
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