dimanche 19 mars 2017

20cm spider in Western Europe that hisses.

I think I'm asking this in the right forum.

This is something that apparently happened in the 80's at my aunt & uncle's house. They claim up until today that they had a big black spider from 20 cm in their living room that started to hiss at my uncle when he tried to chase it out of their house.

Personally neither me nor my parents believe that story. Plus, back in the 80's, they lived right next to us, so my mother or father must've heard something if this was true (like my aunt yelling).

And, I'm pretty sure that those spiders can only be found in the amazon woods.

So, I told my mother that I would ask if spiders like that exist in this part of the world and whether they would hiss on that skepticforum that I visit.

So, in case the questions weren't clear yet:

1. hissing spiders, do they exist?
2. spiders from 20 cm in western europe, is this possible?

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