dimanche 2 avril 2017

[Split Thread] Musings about Falklands past and present


Originally Posted by Giz (Post 11782494)
Really? The desire of the inhabitants to remain british has no bearing? Don't suppose there is any evidence? (As opposed to the other view, which is backed up by the Falkland isles argy bargy )

Edited by Darat:  Musings on Gilbrator left snipped to produce this thread

As for the Falklands, it would have been far cheaper to transplant those residents to the Shetlands and build them new homes. Nobody would die in pointless battle on either side. But no. Great Britain had to swing it's military might to prove it still had an empire and still ruled the waves.

Were it to happen today (and Argentina is making noises in that direction) the formerly Great Britain could do nothing about it. Decades of governmental evisceration of the armed services has rendered Britain impotent. The only thing which saved Britain's butt in the Falklands were aircraft carriers, now you have none. By choice.

If I were Argentina, I would grab Los Malvinos right now, because there is nothing the UK could do about it. The new QE class carrier is not going to be in service before 2020 at best. And there are only two of them. And they have no aircraft.

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