I've continued to carry around an ipod with manual syncs to an itunes system for all sorts of reasons. But with some computer changes, I'm trying to move off it to an android phone.
podcasts aren't too bad. I like most of what AntennaPod does, so that's satisfactory.
On the music side, I'd like to find something that can do a function similar to smartplaylists on the ipod. Specifically, I'd like to be able to ask it to shuffle songs not played in the month.
I have MediaMonkey, and I love the features it seems to have for syncing (I can set up lists on Windows and push to android), but it doesn't seem to have smart playlists on the android side. BubbleUPNP I use for other purposes, but doesn't have smart playlists and searching songs is poor.
Any recommendations for a more featureful audio player? I don't see any way I can get my hard buttons I had on the ipod without some hardware hacking. But if I can get a better player, that might be enough.
podcasts aren't too bad. I like most of what AntennaPod does, so that's satisfactory.
On the music side, I'd like to find something that can do a function similar to smartplaylists on the ipod. Specifically, I'd like to be able to ask it to shuffle songs not played in the month.
I have MediaMonkey, and I love the features it seems to have for syncing (I can set up lists on Windows and push to android), but it doesn't seem to have smart playlists on the android side. BubbleUPNP I use for other purposes, but doesn't have smart playlists and searching songs is poor.
Any recommendations for a more featureful audio player? I don't see any way I can get my hard buttons I had on the ipod without some hardware hacking. But if I can get a better player, that might be enough.
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