mardi 10 octobre 2017

Obesity Medical Costs to Hit $1 tn by 2025


And still people normalise obesity. We even have a "Fat Studies" course running as a legitimate qualification at a university here. Typically, it is being run and promoted by an American. A very large American ... woman?..

The CEO of Britain's NHS has already claimed obesity threatens to bankrupt the organisation.

I see people daily who are unable to walk normally because their thighs are so fat they have to swing their leg out to get past the other.

And some of them are school children.

How about we start shock ads in the way we did in the second half of the 20th century to inhibit smoking? Maybe if kids watched horrendously fat people's bodies being lifted into a grave by crane because it's too heavy for people to lift might encourage one or two of them to tell mummy to stop feeding them crap.

At the very least, let's stop pretending fat is ok, normal or anything else. Classify it as a mental illness if you like, but we have to stop saying it's ok to be the size of a bus.

Obesity, in combination with the baby boom bulge, is going to bankrupt everything, not just hospital services.

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