lundi 9 octobre 2017

Time-timelessness and the Floor of Lord (Indallah)

Our Creator is timeless and placeless as being.. He created the time and the place.

But as manager-observer (from the outside) He is at all the points of the place, and at all time points ... .................................................f uture

We are at "now point" and we are traveling towards the forward, future points.

But our Lord does not travel in time points.

The concepts of the past, the future, the present time, are ours.

There's no travel for him.

Always observe and manage the point.

There's no need for him to go there and travel.

When called "be timeless" to people,they think it's like a way of life that only the wrist watch has stopped working, but the other elements continue to be the same. No, as I described above, the lack of time is a completely different situation that we cannot even imagine. The past, the future, the present moment, there are no separate concepts.

Just as our Lord is without place, He is outside of the universe, He do not travel in our universe but we know, from outside as a manager our Lord, who is also timeless in the same way, is again out of time, but a manager-observer at all time points (from outside).

If we go back to a time machine, and go to the future and the past, we will realize that God also ruled that time period. And the time inside the time machine ...

But let's tell again;

As "Being", God is not in anything and is separate from all creation.

Outside of time and space/place...

We are in time and space. They were already created for us ...

And since our Lord is separate from all creation, it is a great sin to attribute a partner to God, because nothing He has created is a part or reflection of Him.

I would like to bring it from here to the expression "the floor of the Lord" in the Qur'an.

In the Qur'an, I think that Rabbin is used in two meanings.

1- In the eyes of Allah ...

2- It is used in the meaning of the universe of eternity hereafter

In the Qur'an, the word " floor of Lord" is the name of the afterlife universe with different laws of physics than ours. For example, unlike our universe, there is life here, and there is no question of aging, deterioration of the material.

And this time on the "Floor of the Lord" (Indallah) is different according to our time:

- Actually, a day on your floor of the Lord is like a thousand years that you are counting. (Surat al-Hajj, 47)

Because our Lord is timeless, it is used here not in the sense of "in the presence of God" but in the meaning of "the hereafter". In our world a thousand years pass, there is only one day in the floor of Lord.

Surely Allah Almighty has created this space. But the name "Floor of Lord" gave it the name it created this time. It is just a definition like "The servant of Allah", " or "The Messenger of Allah" ...

Surat al-Hajj 47 The one who urgently wants a chastisement: God never contradicts the promise. It is also a fact that a day on the side of the Lord is like a thousand years that you are counting.

Surat al-Bakar 112 The work is not like them, but when they deliver their face to Allah with good behavior, there is a reward on the Lord's side. There is no fear for them; they will not worry ...

Ali Surah 15: Say, "Do you notify me better than this?" For those who are guarded and protected, there will be gardens, rivers flowing under them, and rivers flowing under them, pure wives and a pleasure from Allah. Allah sees His servants in the best form. "

En'am Suresi 127 The peace and well-being of their Lord is their dwelling place. Because of the fact that they are works, He has become their Veli.

Surat al-A'raf 206 Those who are on the side of the Lord do not turn away from Him, They will glorify Him and prostrate Him alone.

Heaven and hell already exist, and some exceptions people have begun to live their punishment or rewards by being created physically there unexpectedly in the Day of Resurrection (knowing that other people will wait for Resurrection and account). For example:

-Think not of those who are slain in Allah.s way as dead. Nay, they live, finding their sustenance in the floor of their Lord;

- Allah is pleased with the blessing he has bestowed upon them, and about the Mujahideen who have not joined them as martyrs behind them: "They have no fear, and they will not hear sadness." are found. (Surat al-Fitr 169-170)

According to these verses;

1- While other dead people are really dead (waiting for the resurrection), the martyrs are alive differently from them.

2- They live in blessings on the floor of the Lord (in the Hereafter)

3. When they speak in heaven, they give good news about the people who are still in the world and / or who have not yet been resurrected after they have been killed (they also say words that they will participate in the Jenny)

However, the point to be noted here is that the people who are now in heaven (in the Rabbinic Floor) are as physical as us, they are materially alive. Already according to the Qur'an, there is no such thing as souls, spiritual life. Everlasting life is also the body. All creatures, including angels and goblins, are already members (for example, if we were created from earth, the jinn were also created from fire). You can also read my article on "Nobody has got ghost according to Quran".

Quran (51:22) And in the heaven is your provision and whatever you are promised.

Quran (57:21) Race one with another for forgiveness from your Lord and a Garden whereof the breadth is as the breadth of the heavens and the earth, which is in store for those who believe in Allah and His messengers. Such is the bounty of Allah, which He bestoweth upon whom He will, and Allah is of infinite bounty.

The width of heaven is called sky and ground. In other words, it is pointed out that heaven/paradise is as big as our universe. This is again the evidence that the eternity dwelling is a universe of its own, with its laws of physics. In other words, the place is not in the size of a garden or city, but in a gigantic dimension as the world we live in with its planets and heavens.

Floor of Lord is the name of a universe that Allah has created from nothing. The eternity is in that house, there are already inhabitants and waiting for the others.



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