vendredi 17 novembre 2017

Canadian Freemanism Spirals into Xenophobia

On an earlier thread I chronicled Robert Menard and his Facebook friends turning their backs on the religious freedoms of Muslim women.

Now Dean Clifford has taken to his public Facebook page to bash immigrants and complain about a Canadian Network for Research on Terrorism, Security and Society (TSAS) article describing his carrier as a failed freeman guru:


Dean C. Clifford
. . . I am just getting back into the mix of things, to come back and find the TSAS "canadian network for research on terrorism, security and society" working papers on my desk.

I skimmed it, which was about all it is really worth. Section 3.4 was especially hilarious for me, clearly, so I will paraphrase here:

"3.4 - The Rise and Fall of Dean Clifford and “Muscular Freemanism” (2010-2015)
Menard’s popularity peaked within the Canadian anti-authority community during the late 2000s, but has since suffered a steady decline from 2010 onwards. Frustration and disillusionment arose among adherents after Menard’s teachings and promises repeatedly failed to deliver tangible victories in legal and civil arenas, and when Menard’s grand plans to mobilize different forms of socio-political action did not materialize. As Netolitzsky (2016a) describes:
…years of in-court failure have unsettled many Freemen, and post 2010, Menard’s status is much reduced, particularly after his persistent failure to produce results or follow through on
his many schemes including a vigilante police force – the Canadian Common Corps of Peace Officers, “Freeman Valley” – an alternative community and government structure, a consume
note based money-for-nothing scheme, and “The Cirque De Soul, Eh?” – a touring arts and crafts event (p. 626).
The Canadian anti-authority community’s disillusionment with Menard provided an opportunity for Dean Clifford, a former Sovereign Citizen from Manitoba with a background as a white supremacist, to step in and fill the void. In contrast to Menard’s largely defensive approach (i.e., using Common Law to protect individual rights when confronted by the government), Clifford’s rhetoric centered on themes of personal resistance more akin to American militia and Sovereign Citizen movements. Clifford wove a narrative of how he used aggressive pseudo-legal tactics and physical force to repel and humiliate efforts by police and government to infringe upon his sovereignty. To use Netolitzsky’s (2016a) term, this brand of “muscular Freemanism” resonated with Canadian anti-authority circles who were hungry for the legal and civic successes that a more aggressive form of Freemen Common Law promised. Like Menard, Clifford used his burgeoning popularity to conduct a series of face-to-face seminars in Ontario and British Colombia where he promoted his particular interpretation of Common Law and anti-government resistance. In a similar situation to Menard, Clifford’s popularity among Canadian anti-authority circles waned after the Common Law tactics he advocated failed to prevent his 2013 arrest and subsequent 2015 conviction for firearms offences and the production of narcotics."

I was unaware that there was a Fall? I guess they haven't figured out yet that FB simply is not the most widely used platform for Us "terrorists" yet. So, now, according to them, I am a Sovereign Citizen (proper noun so that none of you know what their definition of that is for confusion and lack of clarity) and a "white supremacist" (Ad Hominem attack to diffuse having to address the substance of our message and attack my character instead as they have no argument) . . .
If you scroll down the same Facebook page you can see that without adult supervision the rage filled Clifford goes on to prove he is a xenophobic hater He starts by repeating the long debunked propaganda that immigrants are raping Swedish women in epidemic numbers. See the truth here: (

Rage boy Dean Clifford says:


95.6% of rapes in Sweden, according to court records, are committed by....... you guessed it! Non Swedish Immigrants! Now, factor in what percentage of the population they currently make in Sweden and you get an idea of what kind of people they are, and what will happen when they become a majority of the people living there.

Deport them all, now, or your daughter WILL be raped by one of them. This is not an "if", it is a "when". I'm not fighting to save freedom in our countries so that a Billion of these savages are brought in to freely rape their way through our once great civilization.
As if that’s not bad enough Dean goes on to wistfully imagine the rape and murder of Angela Merkel’s daughter!


One can only pray that some poor underage 'migrant' will rape and kill Devila Merkel, she's no Angel, as a form of poetic justice. Rape and murder is the new rage in Germany, thanks to the intentional importation of 1.6 Million third world savages under Devila's "Destroy Germany Plan v3.0". Germany's future is not the millions of unemployable savages being imported in, it is the young women being raped and murdered by them. Here are your "teenage" immigrants coming to Germany for "A better life", also known as a raping, murdering and thieving spree.

Germany, get that cow out of office, by force if need be and start deporting. It will be your daughter next.
Then Clifford goes on to a Nazi apologist rant that would make "Nazi Bob" Menard proud.


Now, if the people of Germany would only get together and get rid of the worst thing to ever happen to Germany, the demon whore merkel. I won't even capitalize the name of a cow, because cows do not get proper nouns. That rank bitch has been worse for Germany than both World Wars combined. Germany climbed back from both attempts to destroy it, despite the best efforts of the the demon bastard churchill, yet another bag of **** that does not deserve a proper noun, because the German people used to be proud, and still are very smart and industrious. The answer, of course, since the Bolsheviks were unable to rape the Germans out of Germany, is to replace the German people with third world garbage and turn Germany into the next Detroit.

Fortunately, I have hope for Germany. The Romans couldn't do it, Napoleon B. couldn't do it, two world wars couldn't do it and I have a suspicion that this plan will backfire, the People of German descent, the descendants of Charles "The Hammer" Martel will wake up, lynch Jabba the Hut a.k.a the demon whore merkel 'The Embarrassment of the entire World that makes Justin Trudeau look like the smartest man alive" and protect their own culture.

Germany. I'm addressing you as a whole. You have nothing to be ashamed of from either World War. You lost a war to the London based bankers who organized every country they control in the world to declare war on you to protect English businesses and their banking cartels, and then lied about the entire thing to make you out to be the bad guys with their newspapers that they also own. The collective guilt trip has to stop, and you have the right to your own culture and homeland. Start protecting it. And start having children instead of committing national suicide. You have a VERY long history to be proud of and Europe would not be Europe right now were it not for Germany. Stand up.
Before our eyes Robert Menard and Dean Clifford are dragging what little is left of Canadian freemanism into bed with white supremacists and Neo-Nazis.

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