mercredi 15 novembre 2017

Firefox 57 "Quantum" upgrade. Quite a change. Thoughts?

I've gone ahead and taken the plunge and let Firefox upgrade to the new v.57 "Quantum" version.

It's definitely faster. A LOT faster.

It's broken a bunch of very popular add-ons because of the change to WebExtensions, and many of those developers are NOT HAPPY about it. To the point that some of them have just decided they aren't going to bother any more.

Some of those add-ons simply cannot be re-written to work anymore.


One positive side effect is that it has compelled me to dump a lot of add-ons I didn't really use all that much. I used that as an opportunity to ditch others for a fresh start.

The ones I am really missing right now.

Theme Font and Size Changer. This let me enlarge the text in the various tool bars and pop-up windows so that I could conveniently read my laptop screen from a distance. (Like two feet or so.) I don't need glasses for anything that far away. If I get up close for small text then I need to use my reading glasses. I have a text zoom add-on which lets me see everything else just fine, but it doesn't do things like the Navigation Bar or the context menu and other pop-up windows.

The developer of this add-on is currently polling users to see how badly they are going to miss him. He may not bother with an update.

This is the one that hurts the worst.

Session Manager. I liked being able to keep different start-up arrangements handy where I could restore them easily. There doesn't seem to be a similar function built into FF57 or any FF57 compliant add-ons yet which do that.

Tab Mix Plus. I actually hadn't been able to use this one for awhile, since it didn't play nicely with some other add-on (or combination thereof) and I never could figure out where the problem was. But I miss it still.


There are probably others that I didn't use often and will make themselves known when I realize I want them for something. But those are at the top of my list.

Anyone else playing around with FF57 yet? Let me know what your experiences are.

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