mercredi 15 novembre 2017

Inconsistent Political Ideologies

I realized a little while ago that there seems to be some confusion in what democrats and republicans believe.

Democrats tend to believe in the theory of evolution, but they don't believe that races are different, or that free markets are a good idea.

Republicans are more likely to believe in free markets and racial differences, but are less likely to believe in the theory of evolution.

But the idea of the invisible hand is similar to the idea of evolution in that order springs spontaneously from chaos in both cases. In evolution, unfit animals die, and fitness is passed through genes. In capitalism, unfit business models fail, and fit ones survive because they don't go bankrupt and people copy-cat them. It's not a perfect fit in all the details, but they are similar.

Republicans often don't believe in the theory of evolution, because it contradicts with a certain idea of creation they have. But their idea of creation actually should lead to the idea of racial equality (since we are all descended from 2 people). Evolution should not lead to an idea of racial or gender equality at all. Organisms living in different environments should evolve differently, and most species are sexually dimorphic because males and females have different reproductive strategies.

Another contradiction is that neo-cons like war, but they also like small government. Aren't those kind of opposite?

But it's all a farce anyway. Everything is the same no matter who is in office, because all the politicians accept bribes from the same people. Lobbying is essentially legalized bribery. I read a statistic a few years ago that said that 98% of congressional elections are won by the candidate with the most money.

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