mercredi 6 décembre 2017

Explain Windows Media Player SRS WOW Effects Like I'm 5?

Exactly what it says on the tin. I have all high-quality MP3s, but they sound like garbage on my speakers. I'm unable to install any additional programs on this computer, but I see WMP has a feature called SRS WOW effects? There's a little slider for adjusting bass called "TruBass" and then another slider labeled "WOW effect." Real helpful!

I'm afraid I don't know much about digital sound settings, and I had a lot of trouble finding a basic tutorial in Google. Does anyone have a link or a few pointers, or even just some recommended settings for these WOW effects?

My speakers are small desktop variety, no subwoofer attachment. To me, my music currently sounds sort of scratchy or tinny.

I tried to just play around with these WOW sound settings, but I couldn't really tell if it sounded better or not. All I am sure of is that adding a lot of bass sounds worse. Then I started overthinking it and getting frustrated.

Basically - halp, is there an audiophile in the house?

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