mercredi 10 janvier 2018

Responding to woo?

We all deal with this. We have our own opinions, values, belief systems. Other people have theirs, and they don't always agree.

Now, I am subjected to a great deal of woo because of circumstance. The man I loved committed suicide. Now, there are numerous 'well-meaning believers' who are approaching me with their beliefs. I try to nod, or even thank them at times for trying to do their style of comforting me.

Five people have 'shared' that they saw him in some form. One claimed he had visited him in the shape of - a large bird. Another said he saw him at the local town plaza.

Really? Now that the shock of his suicide is dulling, I am starting to lose patience. I know that their intention is to try to help me. Also, it isn't my style to battle with people who have different beliefs. A polite nod? Quit listening? Go against my grain and tell them to stop?

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