mardi 13 février 2018

Questionable stories in the bible.

Imagine that USA Today reported that 'man celebrates his 323rd birthday'. Would you believe it? Would your Christian friends? Or would we all think what the hell was that editor smoking that published that? And maybe where can I get some?

I mean 323 years is almost 3 times the longest verified life known today which is 122. Still, in biblical terms 323 would be youthful as Methuselah lived to be 969. 5 people lived over the age of 900. If you can't believe the USA Today article, how can you believe the biblical accounts.

It's in the Bible, it must be true...right TBD?

The bible says you can climb the highest tree and see the entire earth. Is that really possible? Hmmmm...Let me think.

Is the story of Noah true or is it as any teacher who checks up on his students can tell you is totally plagiarized from the story of Gilgamesh.

If your dog got annoyed with you for swatting his nose 3 times and admonished you in English, would you believe that? The bible says a donkey spoke to his master for being whipped 3 times.

The tower of Babel offended God because of its height. A building reported to be 91 meters in height. The Burj Khalifa is close to ten times that height. There are more than 240 buildings taller than a 150 meters on the island of Manhattan alone. And if that isn't enough more than five hundred people to have travelled in space.

Noah not only lived to be older than 900 years, he supposedly built with 8 other people a sea worthy boat 450 meters long made entirely of wood when modern engineers conclude that a wooden boat longer than 300 feet would break apart under its own weight.

Jonah being swallowed by whale (big fish) and living for 3 days and then vomited on to dry land.

The bible is filled with stories that are unbelievable to almost all of us if the stories emanated elsewhere. But say they came from this book of anonymous authors and they are suddenly believable?

What stories in this book don't you believe?

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