Originally Posted by steenkh (Post 12231676)
Yes, and no. Failures are expected, but fatal crashes where the detection systems apparently do not detect anything, are not expected.
Originally Posted by steenkh (Post 12231676)
It has been stressed several times that human intervention is impossible because of the reaction times involved. The human will have to wait for the reaction of the self drive system before deciding to intervene. Humans are really only useful in situations where fast reaction is not necessary, like when the car gets into an unexpected situation at slow speed.
Every day humans deal with other humans slowly crossing the street ahead of them and generally don't hit them. Its not like she was concealed behind a parked car and leapt out at the last minute.
Originally Posted by steenkh (Post 12231676)
I do not have a driver's license, and I am looking forward to be able to having my own car drive me wherever I want without me needing a license. Besides, I can get out of the car, and it will park the car afterwards. The safety needs not to be maximized, but it should at least be as safe as if I drove the car myself (after having learned how to do it).
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