lundi 6 août 2018

Infowars gets the boot from YT,FB & Apple


Facebook and YouTube have removed pages belonging to InfoWars' Alex Jones for violating their community standards, the latest tech platforms to take action against the notorious conspiracy theorist.

The main InfoWars and Alex Jones pages, as well as pages for the Alex Jones Channel and InfoWars Nightly News, have been taken off Facebook "for repeated violations of Community Standards and accumulating too many strikes," reads a blog post from Facebook's newsroom. The pages had been glorifying violence and promoting hate speech against transgender people, Muslims and immigrants, Facebook said.

Twitter is now the last major social network giving Jones and InfoWars an open platform. A spokesman for the company told POLITICO that InfoWars and related accounts aren't currently in violation of Twitter rules.

The moves could add fuel to conservatives' claims that tech platforms are silencing them. "This is a co-ordinated move ahead of the mid-terms to help Democrats. This is political censorship. This is culture war," InfoWars editor-at-large Paul Joseph Watson tweeted today.

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