jeudi 9 août 2018

Morality/ethics and suppositions. For the philosophy minded

If you hate/dislike philosophy as a form of wisdom and not rational knowledge, don't read on. If you do, you have been warned and it is your problem, if you experience discomfort and what not as really, really useless and what not.

In philosophy there is the idea of a system. A system can about all of reality or a part of it.
In morality/ethics a system is a justified with reason, logic and so on objective supposition(s). The problem is that, it can't be done with something, which is only based on with reason, logic and so on objective(any version of objective) supposition(s).

So here it is as a duality within the inter-subjective part of reality, where we are all equal as humans and different as individuals.
You can't achieve in practice an inter-subjective morality without treating all humans as sacred even in a non-religious, humanistic and secular sense. It is nothing unless you understand that in practice the only scared there is, are you, me and the rest of humanity.

It is a type of qualia in that you can't get it with observation, evidence, reason, logic and so on. Either you get it or you get it differently.

An inter-subjective morality, which has to be about all humans, requires some form of non-rational supposition. Not irrational, but non-rational. Without any objective reason, logic, evidence, facts and so on.

It doesn't matter if you are an atheist or religious. It matters if you get that all humans are sacred or you get it differently.
In the context of religion even as an atheist I belong to unitarian universalism even as I am not a member.

I am spiritual, secular, a skeptic, atheist, humanist and a believer(supposition) in the the inherent worth and dignity of every person. That I am still working on that as I still have hate in me. So I try to do the work every day and yes, I still fail. You are a human, warts and all, and I am a human, warts and all.


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