jeudi 2 août 2018

Supporting your newly-hired family member while being black

This....hour?....'s addition takes us to Birmingham, Alabama, where a new Subway employee's brother and mother showed up to stand outside the restaurant and smile and wave at her through the window as she began her first day of work. Almost immediately, the white (but definitely not racist) manager summoned the brother and mother inside the store, and told them they could not stand there while the employee was on the clock and had to leave.

The family voiced doubts about the ability of the Subway manager to kick them out of....the sidewalk outside the restaurant; and this led to an argument which escalated to the manager firing the employee the family had come to support, calling 911 (of course), twice hitting at the brother to knock a cell phone out of his hand as he recorded the incident, eventually physically shoving him and the mother out of the restaurant with the assistance of an unidentified (white) man who did not appear to be an employee, and finally shouting - you guessed it, the n-word! On camera! - at the family before slamming the door behind them.

The brother's video quickly went viral after it was posted to the internet, and Subway fired the manager. A sign currently on the restaurant's door says "Closed for employee re-training".

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