samedi 11 août 2018

what is a police state? . . .

RE: Rlopez2, what is it you would like to do that you can't because the police state is keeping you from it? Having traveled extensively in Africa, to include being in Uganda for their last presidential election, I know from police states. What is it about the US that makes you think it's a police state?
RE: And - did you even read your own links?
RE: Perhaps you could start with evidence. Much of what you provide as evidence ends with a question mark or you give links that don't say what you claim.

Also, from now on all my posts all my comments as "conspiracy theories" since this is what is in the store for me it seems

What makes you think I didn't/haven't? I was even using wikipedia which is owned and managed. I could also add a few of my own, but let me ask you a question since you seem to be trying to educate me: What then defines for you guys what a police state is?

To me the most important factors are:

* the degree of control the police have over "we the people": to the point of successfully selling people (who are not mentally ill) the illusion that they are "reading, hijacking their minds" (you have no idea about my constant argument with them trying to make them go away from such ideas tormenting them to the point of committing suicide (I have talked about it in detail inmy previous posts)). Even Filipino state man Rodrigo Duterte was saying that "God was telling him to stop bad mouthing USG":

we, TIs, knew what went on there

* the fact that it is the police running society, governments are just fronts: most members of the US senate and congress admitted to not even knowing what "N-S-A" stood for. Do you remember that cosmically idiotic prime minister from New Zealand I think it was making fun of people saying the New Zealand was a 5-eye country, part of the NSA? I have no reasons per se to like Trump, but I still see the good in him when it comes to such issues. AFAIK, he has been the only US President to have the balls to fire those @ssh0l3s

* the perp (snitches and perpetrators to general population) ratio, which is higher in the U.S. than it ever was in Nazi and East Germany (I have talked about in my previous posts)

* that they control the media, "responsibly" and effectively doctor the information reaching the people's minds: I have worked in buildings hosting primary schools and I notice everywhere (as I notice also in NYC) large posters basically telling primary schoolers about becoming homo-, bi, sexual about "having the strength", "being proud" about, "liberating themselves" by being LBWTHX, (whatever the acronym is). I really don't care about people's sexuality, but:
1) since when it is the job of the government to be telling people about their sexuality?
2) why is it they are telling primary school children about it?
3) since when people's sexuality is a political matter?
I have my own theory as to why that happens, but I will stop myself now.

* excessive "bread and circuses" you notice in society to keep people stupid, easily controllable, "entertained"

* how they abuse their own people: USG keeps, has been keeping for way too long, one of the historically largest incarceration rates among "civilized" nations, way higher than even open police states such as Cuba

* how they imperially abuse other people to the benefit of their own oligarchs and to a certain extent their own people: in their latest "good for business" wars USG has 8x the genocidal ratio of Nazi Germany during WWII and that is not only a figure when Nazis were doing their "freedom loving", "exceptionalism" and all that great stuff, they used their "wordlsonlysuperpowerness" to go against people that could and did defend themselves on an equal basis and after the Red Army rendered their huge military apparatus ineffective and bent them into defensive tactics, they actually sieged upon the chance of actually testing their delusions about "God being with them", effectively opting for their Götterdämmerung. Why is it so hard for USG to find Russia and/or China on a map? Lots of oil, strategic minerals, and all kinds of **** there, including consumers. I have asked that question here a number of times and apparently no one has an answer for it.

Now, would you share what are the aspects you consider important while defining a police state?

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