So a strange tiny hole was found and repaired on the ISS. On August 30, controllers detected an air pressure loss that was later discovered to be caused by a 2mm hole in the Soyuz capsule which had arrived in June with 3 astronauts.
The strange part is the cause of the hole. The first thought was that it was caused by a micrometeor, but everyone quickly realized the hole was caused from the inside out..
So, the Russians are trying to figure out what the hell happened. A picture of the hole shows what appears to be a drill hole.
In the end, it was never a dangerous situation for the people on the ISS, but it's an interesting little puzzle.
The strange part is the cause of the hole. The first thought was that it was caused by a micrometeor, but everyone quickly realized the hole was caused from the inside out..
So, the Russians are trying to figure out what the hell happened. A picture of the hole shows what appears to be a drill hole.
In the end, it was never a dangerous situation for the people on the ISS, but it's an interesting little puzzle.
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