vendredi 30 novembre 2018

Interesting Essay on the Practicalities of Gun Confiscation

He mostly focuses on the obvious point that lightly armed insurgencies can in fact resist global superpowers - drones, gunships, nukes, and all.

He also has this interesting aside:
... for most people on the left political violence is a knob, and they can turn the heat up and down, with things like protests, and riots, all the way up to destruction of property, and sometimes murder… But for the vast majority of folks on the right, it’s an off and on switch. And the settings are Vote or Shoot ******* Everybody.
It's a broad generalization, of course. Individual opinions will vary. But I do see the pattern on this forum. We have a lot of progressives here who are willing to turn the dial on political violence, all the way up to assault and murder (if the victim is a 'nazi'). Meanwhile, most of the conservatives here tend to argue that political violence should always be avoided. I think we tend to leave unsaid the other side of that coin - or else go all the way to armed revolt - because we don't see that the current political situation justifies flipping that switch.

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