lundi 6 mai 2019

California bans Donald Trump


A new proposed state bill could change who would appear on the presidential primary ballot if those candidates don’t release five years' worth of income tax returns come 2020.

in a 27 to 10 vote The California State Senate approved Senate Bill 27.

This means that if President Donald Trump doesn’t release his tax returns this bill would then remove him off the presidential primary ballot in California .
Link article


We reached out to the Kern County Republican Party who were not available for an interview. However, GOP Commentator Cathy Abernathy shared the following statement:


Candidates by law file financial disclosure forms showing what they own and invest in. The IRS, not the Voter, has the responsibility of ensuring proper taxes are paid. No one, candidate or dog catcher, should be required to release their tax returns.


From the second link in bill analysis:


The primary constitutional question raised by SB 27 is whether it is compatible with, or
in violation of, the Presidential Qualifications Clause. In addition, however, the bill also
implicates the Presidential Election Clause, the constitutional right to privacy, the
Supremacy Clause, and voters’ First and Fourteenth Amendment rights to free
expression and free association.

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