mercredi 21 août 2019

Medical costs

So I'm a UKer, and this thread isn't to boast on the NHS or anything, but I'm kind of curious because I'm a fairly heavy user of medical services and I wanted to get an idea of the costs of the services I do get, if I lived somewhere like the US. Obviously it's going to be difficult to give exact numbers, but just a rough idea is fine.

So most recently, I got a rash. Thought it would go away, it didn't. Turned out to be bigger than expected, too, and came with a persistent headache, so I rang the docs. Got a same day appointment (admittedly this is lucky, usually have to wait a week or two) with a nurse practitioner.

Spent about 30 mins with her. Turned out I had shingles. Yay. She consulted a doctor and put me on two meds, Flucloxacillin and Aciclovir... both of which probably won't do much because I waited too long to go in, but she gave them to me anyway to be on the safe side and hopefully prevent any further spread.

Total cost to me, £0.

So, one nurse visit, one GP consult, couple of boxes of pills. If I'd been American, or other places without an NHS equivalent, and assume no health insurance, what kind of cost would you be looking at for that? Hundreds? Thousands? More?

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