Statement: These are my OWN theories. Some are right, some are wrong, for others it is still unknown or debatable. As time goes by, I'll be researching the subject and make the necessary "purging." This is not a scientific writing based on research! This is the work of a PHILOSOPHER! I find it challenging to conceive an idea and form a theory, before I read about it somewhere or learn about it. To conceive an idea and put my name on it before someone else does, and form a theory that it would be later proven true, that would be a bonus! There is risk to that as it is evident from some colorful responses I sometimes get from aficionados of science and virtuosos! But somehow like this, PHILOSOPHERS grasped with their imaginations GREAT IDEAS, upon which scientists built, and others learned! FEEL FREE TO CONTRIBUTE !
"He contemplated the grandeur, and the presence of God; the eternity of the future, that strange mystery; the eternity of the past, a stranger mystery; all the infinities hidden deep in every direction; and, without trying to comprehend the incomprehensible, he saw it. He did not study God; he was dazzled by Him. He reflected upon the magnificent union of atoms, which give visible forms to Nature, revealing forces by recognizing them, creating individualities in unity, proportions in extension,the innumerable in the infinite, and through light producing beauty. These unions are forming and dissolving continually; from which come life and death." - Victor Hugo; Les Miserables.
The prevalent theory on Cosmology is the latest one by Stephen Hawking. According to this theory
time started to count for our Universe ever since the Big Bang; the Universe is expanding as is evident from the fact that no matter which direction we look from Earth, galaxies are getting further and further away. Depending how fast things move in a given part of space, its given time.
In my opinion regarding Hawking's theory of the Universe, time is still a matter of perception. It exists as far as measuring movement in that given space in contrast to another movement in space, and also measuring effect/change to an object or existence given the exposure to space/movement/ onditions, and the particular time it took for said object or existence to undergo said exposure to the given space/movement/ conditions. Still no physical time exists, let alone the possibility for time-travel. In addition, gravity would affect the speed of light differently in a given space or universe compared to another space or universe.
According to Hawking the Universe is not static, it expands as it is evident from the aforementioned movement of galaxies seen from Earth. If the Universe was infinite and static, "every line of sight would end on the surface of a star and the sky would be illuminated even at night... unless the stars from far away had switched off ... still the absorbing (hypothetical) matter would eventually heat up and light up at some point..." Hawking also warned against other "pitfalls" of thinking about an infinite universe; there would be no center for the stars to fall on each other (true) is more correct to think of it from a finite perspective of a few (trillion) stars and add more stars afterwards." It is my speculation that there could be infinite centers of greater gravity that attract the stars to that center and less or counterbalancing gravity from neighboring such clusters ... and a Big Bang type of force which surpasses gravity in some cases like in our own Universe ... If rotating galaxies around a black hole, why not rotating Universes around a bigger gravitational center point?
Back to our own Universe... Can it expand forever or would the Big Bang force eventually give in to gravitational forces between the galaxies, along with gravitational forces from other Universes. Newton in his 1st law did state : "an object in space..." But we are talking about space beyond the observable, and an Infinite beyond the imaginable. Wouldn't the energy that made light "travel" eventually be exhausted due to forces that even light itself is subjected to? Can the universe really expand forever! What if it does eventually stop? Then time will stop for our Universe, and star gravity would prevail and our Universe will go back in time and space, and stars will collapse on each other to an Infinite dense singularity; or dense to a point that the compacting forces that would otherwise drive the singularity to even further compaction, would surpass the point of tolerance and an eruption, a new Big Bang will be caused. Then the cycle will be repeated INFINITELY, because there is No Beginning and No End to Eternity; and there is no other way for the Finite, but either a circle of events, or a Beginning and an End of a segment. What if the Galaxies do eventually approach the Galaxies of other universes and all collapse on each other creating other singularities? Is there an end to the "Ifs", "Buts" and theories?! Some of my own hypothesis and suppositions follow to reflect if not possibilities for our own universe, then perhaps other space within the Infinite.
If we where to contemplate what's between "1" and a second "1" that makes a "2", we would realize that what we thought of as a segment, is an infinity in itself. How about "π?" Let's use the scientific method: What is around us? The environment, molecules, protons neutrons etc... and beyond as far as we can see, the horizon; and beyond, the stars! Now what's within the nucleus; within the protons and even the electrons? Other particles. And within them? How about beyond the universe? Following still the "scientific method", we have already recognized "patterns" now we HAVE to extend them beyond the macrocosm and within the microcosm to Infinity! Why? Because according to math there is an Infinity between 1 and 2 (replicated pattern extending to Infinity) and then there is the (-) Infinity (infinite microcosm) and the (+) Infinity (infinite macrocosm). Also considering the law of thermodynamics, we deduce that energy, because it cannot be created or destroyed, can neither be anything but INFINITE from EVERY perspective - microcosm, macrocosm, existence, magnitude etc. - and yes so must be Matter and Intelligence - reasonable step by step deduction we arrived to, due to recognizable patterns from our immediate environment, which following the example of units in math, we replicated infinitely!
The Infinite has no shape nor size, no beginning nor end, no limits and no gaps. "Nothing", "time" and "distance" do not exist for the Infinite, as it encompasses every unit, every stage, every existence and every concept. When humanity refers to the idea of "God", what other concept should have such characteristics attributed to, by humanity, other than the Infinite? Any other traditional god/superior intelligence/existence/being/entity concept would have evolved from the Infinite and would be finite.
Every form of existence; every intelligence, energy and matter, form/evolve from the Infinite and de-form/dissolve into the Infinite. Every existence has what humanity understands as a "role" and a "purpose." The ultimate purpose of intelligent existence is to acquire the knowledge required to bring about positivity in order to counterbalance negativity; both of which are emerging properties/outcomes of actions and reactions that bring forth existence, and to even strive when necessary to bring forth that balance if not an altogether a positive result. This is what existing is; this is what the purpose of life is; to acquire and pass on the knowledge which would enable existence, humanity on Earth, to serve its purpose towards the administration, improvement and amelioration of conditions; within our environment, within the Infinite. Knowledge is passed to the future generations; knowledge and the right actions prove us able for further function within the Infinite, and to serve a further purpose within the Infinite, till we eventually dissolve/de-form back into it.
Negativity springs from selfishness which is the result of self-interest. Self-interest is necessary for every existence in order for it to exist. Because an intelligent existence recognizes the limits within its environment, and the limits of itself, due to self-interest, said existence may become selfish. Without self interest we would not care to exist, yet because we realize that we will only exist for a limited time, wanting to make the best of our existence, we become selfish and behave negatively to others. Negativity and positivity are the result of the interaction of the various forms of existence among themselves and with their environment, within the Infinite; an example is humans interacting with gravity. Without gravity we would not be able to stay on earth and survive, and because of gravity, when we fall we hurt ourselves and even die. That in turn creates further negativity to those who love us and care for us, due to ourselves been hurt; and in case of our death, the loss and the pain to those who care for us, that comes always with it.
Infinite minute particles; perhaps spherical (no other shape would provide for better combinations to form matter, and no other shape of matter would provide for better fluidity within the infinite than the spherical), bring about every action and reaction, and all phenomena within the Infinite; such as matter, energy and intelligence; along with gravity, light and sound.
If "nothing" did exist, if even infinitely minute space of nothing truly existed, there would be no Infinite since there would be limits/borders within it; which means that the only seemingly infinite, had beginnings and endings. Yet existence, or particles and objects forming everything within the Infinite cannot form/evolve out of nothing. Therefore, nothing cannot exist at all and definitely cannot extend beyond the Infinite, for the Infinite to exist, and for everything else to exist within the Infinite. Yet, if "nothing" does not exists, what then explains space for fluidity within the Infinite? Could there be an Infinite Nothing within an Infinite Everything, how could that be possible when the existence of the one, would nullify the existence of the other? Surely there always has to be something for something else to form from, and there always has to be something for something else to be de-formed ( destroyed, be disposed of) into.
Could it be perhaps that we have an Infinite "antimatter" evolving to an "Infinite" matter and vice versa, infinitely? We could suppose that Infinite Universes of anti-matter, break apart to infinite minute particles of antimatter and switch/evolve/form in turn to infinite particles of matter, which further form infinite Universes of matter. In turn infinite Universes of matter break apart to infinite minute particles of matter and switch to infinite minute particles of antimatter which further form infinite Universes of antimatter, infinitely.
Distance does not exist for the Infinite because even if an object travels thousands of light years in space, from the perspective of the Infinite, at the same time it has not moved at all, it moved thousands of light years, and it is also moving infinitely. The infinite is ever reaching and ever extending from every perspective both outwards the macrocosm and inwards the microcosm. The Infinite is within every matter, energy and intelligence, and every matter, energy and intelligence is formed from within the Infinite and de-formed into the Infinite. There are no absolute sizes within the infinite, nothing is absolutely large or absolutely small. An absolute zero temperature for example denotes a situation in which all movement ceases. Yet movement never ceases absolutely and completely; it decelerates infinitely into the infinite microcosm, and accelerates infinitely within the infinite macrocosm (infinite large in size and number clusters of universes). The movement of infinitely smaller particles would generate infinitely lower temperatures as far as we could measure, and a cluster of infinite number of stars, would generate immeasurable levels of temperature; additionally temperature is never static.
Time does not exist for the infinite. Time is simply a measurement of movement in reference to other movement or change. Change happens due to the interaction of particles or objects and its rate and effect depend on the cause and influencing factors and the object undergoing it. Change is relative to circumstance, and its effect (positive or negative, quick or slow) is a matter of perception of a hypothetical observer and the object going through said change. What we think of as time, passes quickly when we are busy, absorbed in thought, are entertained; yet seems to stall in traffic, when we are bored, working through a drudging task etc.
Infinite universes and clusters of infinite universes are formed and deformed infinitely with infinite possibilities. Nothing could possibly be flat in the infinite; everything within the Infinite is made of particles (quite possibly spherical in shape for fluidity of movement and formation) with smaller particles forming between the spaces the larger particles form. If an object becomes small enough, it will find itself in a three dimensional space. Therefore there is no such thing as a two dimensional space, and since physical time does not actually exist, there is no such thing as a forth dimension and consequently any more dimensions, additionally after realizing that there are no such things as the so called "parallel universes."
To suppose that in the vastness of the Infinite where everything is possible, an exact replica of our own universe existed, we would have to assume that in that universe every chain reaction from its beginning to the given point of comparison to our own, was exactly the same for every factor, even if seemingly insignificant, which factor would otherwise bring forth a difference between the two universes. But each of the two universes would have also been affected by infinite chains of actions and reactions, which would have led to the formation of said two universes; which chains of actions and reactions, would also have to be exactly the same in order for the two universes to be exactly the same replica of each other, and so on. Continuing that process of reasoning we would deduce that to have an exact replica universe we would have to have such a phenomenon of exact replication which would have to reach an INFINITE degree. That would mean replicated infinities! Therefore two exactly the same universes where a person could find the exact replica of himself, and travel in that universes time frame, are an impossibility. Even if we allow for the concept of exact replicated infinities in order to consider the possibilities of this version of time-travel, said person would have to be able to find the exact replica of his planet within the exact replica of his universe, among the infinite choices within the infinite, and travel to the exact point in time of his choice, since the formation of said universe, in order to travel from that point in time of that universe, to a specific time in the past or the future. That would be the only way to travel in time and as already stated, this version of time-travel is also non-existent; simply because there cannot be replicated infinities; let alone for every individual existence.
The only way that dimensional time could exist, in order for time-travel to be possible, would be if we would consider infinite possible futures within infinite EXACTLY THE SAME UNIVERSES. These universes would have to have infinite minute differences to cover the changes occurring by the different course of action an individual existence would have taken and the infinitely spanning effect of those actions to other existences and circumstances.We would be affected in turn, by such infinite circumstances and by the effect of such infinite existences to an infinite minute level even, as we are presently affected unbeknownst to ourselves and the people of our environment, the infinite possibilities of which, it would have taken an infinity of replicated infinities to cover. That would be the only way to have dimensional time, with dimensional past and present, and a dimensional future (one out of the infinite available PER INDIVIDUAL EXISTENCE); through which infinite futures, unbeknownst to ourselves and the people of our environment, we were passing to (from one in a given infinite fraction of a moment, to another one out of the infinite alternatives). Which one preexisting/predetermined future would be chosen out of the infinite choices would depend to minute details, infinite minute effects even, within the course of our daily life. As it has already, and repeatedly, been stated though, such exact replica universes are an impossibility because such a phenomenon would also imply replicated infinities, with only infinitely minute differences. What would the point of such infinite futures be, if that was even a possibility, other than to satisfy the fans of sci-fi fiction? And while there indeed exist infinite infinities within the Infinite; THE INFINITE IN ITSELF IS NOT REPLICATED!
Even if we suppose for the sake of the argument that time-travel was possible, in order to travel to the past by means of actual linear time travel, and not by transcendinding to another parallel universe, a person would have to have the means to roll back all the chains of actions and reactions that lead to his/her present point in time. Such a regression would in turn change the person's environment, world and Universe to an infinite perhaps effect; which as a result would bring infinite changed actions and reactions in the future; which would in turn bring change of infinite proportions. The result of said person's cells regressing would have a chain of actions and reactions to particles forming the subatomic particles that comprise them. Every action and every act, such as metabolic and other bodily functions would have to be regressed! For said person to travel to the future, if supposedly there is such thing as dimensional time, he or she would have to choose from infinite choices as mentioned earlier, since linear travel could not be possible fo a future not yet formed in the given universe; and how then could a future be already formed in others? Could he/she have possibly traveled beyond their time of death in a given parallel universe while being dead in others? If said person had traveled in the past before the time of their birth, said person would have not yet been born in this other parallel reality. Could they find themseves in the new emerging present after he or she find himself/herself after his/her birth and both individuals live in the same reality? That would mean parallel realities/universes merging! Even if we assume that while we cannot travel in the future since it does not yet exist and that we can only travel in the past, if that was possible, it would mean to retract/erase an already existing future; or that said future would continue to exist in some other parallel reality. Such parallel realities exist only in our minds, but they could provide themes for sci-fi stories.
If such a one predetermined/preexisting future existed for an existence, then there would be no point for that existence, or its purpose would be limited (animals in a farm). If the future of our world was predetermined, then humanity could not be held accountable for its actions. There would be no point for existence, since there would be no living, experiencing, and learning from it. The future of every existence within the infinite could not be predetermined, if that was the case the infinite would be limited, with other words there would be no infinite since every existence in it would be like limitedly functioning machinery. Finally, if we believed that our future was predetermined/preexisting, then while we would and should still confine and punish criminals and the tyrants of history, could we still also hold them ethically accountable; same argument could be made of course for the criminals' and tyrants' mental status and genetic make up, is there a very fine line between mental status and evil nature?
If we were to accept the existence of a physical time; a so called 4th dimension, we would have to imagine an infinitely branching future, from an infinitely minute present, the way to which present, infinite routes from the past lead (or in a case of the tree of time infinite roots leading to a non-discernible trunk/present, then branching infinitely); certainly by the time an infinite fraction of an attosecond passes we find ourselves in a new present, the future; and that only for infinite fractions of an attosecond. Additionally every present in itself could have infinite alternatives. Infinite holographic versions of ourselves, ready to be filled in, based on a minute fraction of a choice that would decide the course of things among the alternative; acting and reacting with infinite holographic versions of others, who also act and react with each other and the forces within their environment. Surely we can predict a change in the future based on our ability to bring about such a change, but to hint on predetermined outcomes based on a theory of physical time, a 4th dimension, does not fall far from claiming that people could be told their future by knowing forces summoned; that we are simply hamsters in a maze for the entertainment of others. That there is no actual free will, but we are locked in choosing our few alternatives, or no free will at all, because the alternative we think we choose is already pre-determined. That the Infinite in Itself, is actually a finite limetedly functioning machinery; not the case, because as aforementioned, had it been the case, it would have to have an origin and an end and would not be Infinite.
The idea that the future already exists, that everything is predetermined and therefore no reason for anyone to work towards anything since the outcome has already taken place in the future, or some version of a predetermined future, not only is not acceptable; it is preposterous. At least with astrology there is always the explanation that "forces/spirits" would make things take place as foretold to lure you in the occult. Some of this time travel multidimensional notions do not seem to be further from science fiction, pseudoscience and even occultism.
The idea of time travel sprang from the notion that time would slow down when travelling at the speed of light, and even regress when travelling faster. This theory could never be validated because such speeds are impossible to reach. Furthermore a craft travelling at such speeds would have to follow a means of navigation other than light since the image of objects in the immediate front of the craft, would reach the craft at double the speed of light (both light and craft traveling at the same speed) and objects perpendicular to the sides and back of the craft would be invisible (craft is always ahead of the image generated) . The pilots would not be able to react since what would be visible to them would be a mixed stream of color and light jetting on them from their front sides and through the immediate front, because both them and the light travel at the same speed (for one it would seem to them that they would crash on objects earlier than they actually would; also, for the sake of the point, we suppose that they survived the trip, and we also exclude friction that would generate an enormous amount of heat and turn the craft alight, before it reached a fraction of the light-speed; also we neglect the relativity concept which states that the mass of the aircraft would reach infinite levels and therefore would encompass the Infinite in whole. Since objects travelling at the speed of light are impossible to observe, since their original position would be visible after they had already been gone, experiments with them are impossible to be conducted even in our imagination. Without even a reasonable deduction based on logical steps we could consider other possibilities and even doubt the existence of dimensional time, a road onto which one can travel back and forth. Additionally, the detrimental effect to the objects travelling at the speed of light, would give false perception in regards to their shape, and deem such imagined experiments non-conductible even in our imagination. An experiment that cannot be conducted even in our imagination, has no grounds and its theoretical outcomes are invalid, non existing or at least questionable.
Certainly the infinite in number and size particles that comprise the fabric of the Universe, are affected by gravitational forces. It may take more or less seconds or years for a being or a thing to deteriorate when exposed to gravitational or other influence within a portion of space or environment as opposed to another. If the fabric of a section of space was to be stretched, shrunk or dilated by gravitational forces, then it may take more or less hours, days, months or years for a spaceship (which is also affected by gravity) to make the destination. The clocks in the spaceship may break or skip a few bits due to mechanical reasons; they will not go any faster as our hearts would, because they are machines; unless gravity has affected our brain to the effect of delusion, or some sinister force plays a trick on us, or we simply want to convince ourselves that we traveled through time; a venue that actually does not exist. Certainly the mechanism of clocks or watches on mount Everest, may be affected less by gravity making them move infinitely more freely as opposed to clocks or watches at see level who may loose a second or two with time. But that does not mean that time exists. Gravity and its mechanical and biological effect only exist! Sure people on mount Everest may live longer, and stay younger longer! Less affect by gravity, less stress and cleaner air, better food and purer water; not to mention the tend more towards natural medicine, unless they have appendicitis. As for some unknown mechanical affects, the clock of my automobile always gains up to 10 minutes and I have to get it adjusted every time I take it for service.
Einstein, and those who sold books and made movies based on his "time-travel" theories tapped on humanity's characteristic of remorse and regret. Who would not want to go back in time and change things after they had acquired precious knowledge? Surely it would be nice if we could live long enough and be young enough to live, learn and live better in our longer futures.
Though at times referring to infinite levels and values, Einstein sometimes seems to not fully consider concepts from the perspective of the infinite and infinity; neither does he apply the idea of the infinite and infinity to EVERY concept. Einstein came up with an equation which while scientists believe it holds its ground to things we can actually perceive and observe (or we think we do) it does not perhaps apply to the reality of the Infinite! If the maximum heat we can theoretically get would be produced by running an almost infinitely large object by the speed of the fastest thing we are able to observe (light), then that would be the maximum temperature (Energy) theoretically achievable; which would be a finite amount and not infinite, since it is depended upon a finite value, the constant speed of light. Which leads to the paradox that the whole amount of energy within the Infinite, is a finite unit! What is the paradox with this, is that it contradicts the law of thermodynamics dictating that energy cannot be created or destroyed. If something is finite IT HAS TO BE CREATED AND BE ABLE TO BE DESTROYED, otherwise IT CAN BE NOTHING BUT INFINITE!
If we consider an object approaching a wall, would it eventually reach or NEVER reach the wall? How about BOTH at the SAME time! When we consider things from the perspective of an object of finite size, sure it will eventually reach the wall... that "0" point or in Einstein's terms the fastest speed possibly achievable, the speed of light (before time and space get SUPPOSEDLY all jumbled up, relativity etc. ), but wait... What if the object becomes small enough to pass between the particles that comprise the wall? Now consider this, what if as it passes it continues to become ever so small, INFINITELY small; at what point does it exactly pass through, or even reach the wall? NEVER!
If an object traveled with the speed of light its original position would be invisible (meaning we would see the object in its original position after the object had been gone already, because it would take the same speed for light to reach it, and therefore light would not reach it in time), so Einstein's relativity examples would not hold (the objects that seem to collide to the perception of one observer while they overpass each other according to the perception of another observer). Also if the speed of light cannot be achieved, especially when considering what would happen to the mass ( spacecraft ) accelerating hypothetically towards even a fraction of the speed of light, maybe the mentioning of time-travel would be more appropriate for the science fiction books. The fascination around time-travel, is good for sales.
As light is bent by gravitational forces and is reflected upon objects, we will never be able to visit inhabited planets or will be visited by organic species from other planets unless we (or they) find other means of navigating through space other than light, why ? Light-speed travelers would need to be able to perceive what lies ahead in time to avoid collisions; They would need a "Somedar" (for a lack of a better word meaning a machinery which would be using other means to function than rays - many, many times faster than light) to tell the hypothetical light-speed travelers what laid ahead; and even then their brains would never be able to react at such speeds. Perhaps artificial intelligence thinking much faster than the speed of light, to bring the "pulp" that would remain from the bodies of the travelers somewhere; and NO time would not be affected (since it does not actually exist) and the travelers would not travel in it; neither the effect of their brains bouncing in their skulls would change, or their cells and the very molecules that comprise them. Do I need to get into the type of steering and break system they would need ... so no living breathing species could have ever possibly reached, or will ever possibly reach Earth, unless they were or will be able to navigate by other means than following the path of light (shortcuts of the universe), or unless they are other forms of energy + intelligence + matter combination (for one they shouldn't have to breath, drink, eat move their bowels etc. - no time to sleep from all that bouncing and the noise and heat from all that friction etc. etc.).
Currents of particles could be the cause of movement of objects in space, and the cause of whirlpools (wormholes). Gravity (magnetic fields) pulls space forming particles, pulling as a consequence said space, and bend light, the only means of navigation in space (following the bowed trajectory of light as opposed to following the straight line which would connect the edges of the hypothetical bow between two points of the bowed trajectory of light).
Imagine if light didn't truly travel as believed! Imagine if it was rather a ripple particle reaction our brains understand as "light"; like water waves having a ripple reaction the impact of which we feel or see on objects. There is movement of water, but it is not the first molecules in line which reach us, but the last ones . When light (or sound) occurs (electron jump in the case of light - explosion or vibration of a surface which sets in motion sound waves in the case of sound), in most cases it can be observed from every direction (unless there is an obstacle blocking their way). Could that mean that light doesn't actually travel? Could it be that the electron jumps which generate photons, cause a ripple effect from particle to particle, a wave the end of which affects our brains in a way we understand as " light?" Maybe the size of particles determines the size of what we understand as the wavelengths. It would be like if people would stand in line in every direction and in the middle there was a fire. The people around the fire, fire up a torch simultaneously and almost instantaneously pass the torch to the next person. It is not the first people that lighted up the torch who ran with it and lightened up an area a few miles or light years away, but the last person/particle at the end of the line! Maybe the passing along of the photon (the torch), is what causes the wavy motion. With colored surfaces, it could be that the involved particles on the given surfaces, repeat the passing of the photon only on the particles the size of which corresponds to what we understand as the wavelength of the particular color in the spectrum. How long it would take from the particle jumps that occurred to create the photons (or rather the ripple/passing of the photon effect) to the effect that those particle jumps (creation of photons) would have on our brains, times the distance between our eyes and the particle jumps, we could be interpreting as light-speed. This hypothesis could explain why it takes light speed for a photon to have its effect on our brains and while though it can be observed it has no mass let alone acquiring infinite mass. This could also explain how it is that light having no mass is affected by gravitational forces, is pulled by a black hole (not the photons themselves but the particles of space involved in the light ripple/passing on of the photon effect).
As scientists believe, photons are travelling at light speed. As scientists also claim, photons have no mass, they don't acquire infinite mass as they "travel" light speed, as relativity suggests for particles or objects travelling at the speed of light! Light travels in all directions blocked only by obstacles. Considering a single direction, traveling for 13 Billion years (oldest light observable) would take a lot of energy lost. Where has light acquired all that energy from? Additionally the effect of particles interacting with each other, would explain the lack of need of "Ether" for light or sound to travel as earlier physics theorist assumed, and the presence of so called "electromagnetic fields"; areas within which particles would interact electromagnetically.
If light did not actually travel, we would have the TIME it took for the effect, but no SPACE (no travel). Take light, as we think we know it, out of the equation, and the MAGICAL/ALLURING idea of relativity is falling apart ! Why do we give so much weight to light? Sure without light we would not be able to observe anything. Yet isn't every observable phenomenon in the universe depended upon gravity and the bonding forces of matter? Isn't movement by objects and planets in space the result of gravity, and movement by living species and machines a result of action opposing gravity ? Isn't the movement of electron from a higher level of energy to a lower that produces light? Isn't energy, in the form of light required for an electron to jump from a lower to higher level of energy. And when the electron moves to the particular energy level doesn't it adjust its wavelength to the wavelength of the orbit it moved to? Aren't the various bonding forces involved in these movements, energy gaining or releasing and the necessity for wavelength adjustments? Finally isn't the continues breaking and remaking of bonds of atoms/molecules that releases heat (energy)? Every phenomenon in the universe, such as energy, is the result of gravity and the bonding forces of matter. Isn't it perhaps gravity as aforementioned that causes infinite universes to compact to infinite singularities, or to a point of tolerance beyond which new Big Bangs would occur, repeating the cycle between singularities and "Big Bangs" infinitely?
"Imagination is..." NOT "...better than knowledge". Imagination is the means to collect the "ore" ( conceive the idea), yet REASON, LOGICAL DEDUCTION, and yes scientific experimentation are the means to distill the "GOLD", which is knowledge.
The aforementioned considerations would lead to the six fundamental principles of the Infinite from which most concepts could be explained:
1) There is no such thing as absolute size, absolute number; absolute large or absolute small.
2) Energy cannot be created or destroyed; it is formed from matter and it forms matter, and it takes intelligence to do so. The Infinite is the Infinite Intelligence, Energy and Matter.
3) Where there is an action there is always a reaction. Everything within the Infinite is the result of the cause and effect phenomenon. The Infinite is the reason for all existence, objects and phenomena.
4) Time does not exist. Time is simply a concept, a means to measure movement in reference to other movement; how many turns a planet made around a star, while that star was rotating once around its galaxy.
5) If an object becomes small enough it will find itself in a "THREE DIMENSIONAL SPACE". Since physical/dimensional time does not exist, a fourth dimension does not exist either. There are no more dimensions than three and depending on the size of the protractor we are imagining, whether finite or non, the analogous number of directions.
6) Math is matter of perception (a dimension if you like) because our mathematical calculations depend on what amount we assign to a UNIT (stage). Math is the assigned amount of a unit (1), its absence (0) and the Infinite (never absolute unit or absolute absence of it).
"Nothing", "Everything", "Time", "Space", "Distance", "Dimensions, "Beginning", "End", "Energy", "Mass", "Intelligence",
"Objects", "Particles" are simply concepts conceived to describe what we THINK we see and understand within the INFINITE.
Matter would not move without energy and energy could not be directed without intelligence; the Infinite Intelligence Energy and Matter. To no other concept except the Infinite could be attributed, some of the characteristics humanity has attributed to the idea of "God."
And "the fool said there is no God" :
Is it really foolish to say there is no God? What is God other than the Infinite? Why would it matter for the Infinite, whether you believe in it or not? Does the Infinite truly exist? Doesn't to exist mean to have a beginning and an end; to be finite? Doesn't the infinite include all existence and phenomena, and isn't the Infinite the reason for all existence and phenomena? What is the Infinite? What is God? Does it have a conscious, a "Me" as Victor Hugo put it, when he stated in his novel, Les Miserables: " The infinite exists. It is there. If the infinite had no me, the me would be its limit; it would not be the infinite; in other words, it would not be. But it is. Then it has a Me. This Me of the infinite is God."
Well it matters for humanity. Imagine 5 billion something people (young children excluded), believing that this is all there is to it. That because of their primordial necessity for existence, that is self interest, and recognizing their finality, they had to blindly and wholeheartedly obey the emerging property of self-interest, selfishness; and achieve self satisfaction AT ALL COSTS! Welcome to the APOCALYPSE! It is a finite world after all, and it has to have some rules; conscience and consequences for those who choose or contemplate not to play by them. Draw your own conclusions. The Infinite is all inclusive, and all derives from it and all is directed to it, in an eternal, endless, infinite cycle of events.
Sure we cannot have perfection, ONLY THE INFINITE IS PERFECT; PERFECTLY INFINITE FROM EVER PERSPECTIVE! But we can counterbalance negativity with positivity! certainly ALL religions have major flaws, some more than others; some are evil and disastrous to society no doubt whatsoever! But completely and utterly without any faith at all (assuming that that was possible) we would have a MAD-MAX movie, type of chaos on Earth! What self-destructive force (or otherwise), what insanity, what downright FOOLISHNESS would advocate for that... That is why nature gave humanity consciousness, along with thought. And IT TOOK AN INIFINITE INTELLIGENCE TO DESIGN IT. It didn't just pop up on its own; that too was an emerging property, an outcome of evolution. But who or what started evolution and intervened in it? Same phenomenon that started and intervened in everything else, the Infinite phenomenon.
Yet, even the need to have a "Me" for the Infinite, as Victor Hugo claimed in his novel, would in itself consist a limit. The concept of "God", a human concept in itself, is a limit in itself. Throughout the history of humanity, many gods, proclaimed their presence, and many were created out of the human need to provide solutions and appease and alleviate emotions; which are part of human nature and evolved as means to sustain it against the presence of any form of negativity. The emotion of fear for example, useful to avert danger, together with the realization of the limit of existence, needed to find a resolution in a form of an after-death existence, provided by a loving supreme being.
In terms of religious point of view, there is that of the Atheist, who believes that there is no such a thing as God; the Agnostic who does not hold for an opinion or against; the Theist, who believes that there is definitely a God; and the Infinitist who considers all concepts and acknowledges that, being that all concepts are included within the Infinite, they convey an understanding, whether interpreted or extrapolated, figuratively or literally.
But what characteristics does humanity attribute to a god? Certainly the concept of superior beings with finite however needs, could apply to some entity or organization of entities who visited occasionally another planet; or some superior civilization colonizing a technologically inferior one. Or organizations within civilizations which fabricate stories, and by taking advantage of the needs and feelings of the people, establish an hierarchy of power over them and control them; by propagandizing the idea that riches and possessions of goods lead to a Hell (or belong to the elect of god), whereas sharing of goods, poverty, or struggling to make ends meet, lead to Heaven; being proud of your abilities and intelligence are faults, whereas meekness and humbleness are blessings; entertainment is a sin, whereas asceticism is a virtue. Surely if the masses have no riches; if they are powerless, and they demand less; if they are too humble to seek to acquire knowledge and ability; then they are sheep and therefore easy to control.
If there is one educational aspect that should not be neglected from a young age, that is that our feelings are means to be put to good use when needed, and that we should be in control over them; that feelings are substances in our brains with neurological and biological effects to ourselves; our feelings and thoughts affect one the other and bring in turn positive or negative effects to both ourselves and society. Our feelings and thoughts are also affected by outside influence, which in turn generate a chain of conscious and subconscious associations, which result to actions which bring reactions, which in turn bring about a series of events, with, in many cases, long lasting and even historic outcomes. Our thoughts and feelings affect us both psychologically and biologically (toxins or lack of, hormonal effect, the well being or disease of our very cells). People from young age, should learn to control their feelings as opposed to resolve in brain numbing, addictive and harmful medications (more toxins for the liver to deal with). Even to the point of disease, is best to do with as much less negativity as possible. Exercise, keep the body and the mind as strong and healthy as possible, keep positive feelings to the maximum, negative to the minimum; to fight off disease, by supporting your health with the right nutrition (vitamins if nutrients are not adequate), off of any unnecessary and especially harmful chemicals, harmful medical procedures which produce no other result, but more stress and more defects to our immune system and the well being of every healthy cells available; and which exasperate the body, and bring about a disease that may have otherwise occurred much later in life, or have never occurred till a ripe old age altogether. Keep off anything that stresses you up, any bad news and negativity that you could nothing about, if it stresses you up to a point of disease, or the worsening of the ailment. If you need to counterbalance negativity, then surely the less of it you come up against, the better. When you do come up against unavoidable negativity, try to deal with it by let it affect you as less as possible. People have been channeling negativity away for centuries, through prayer to a positive force within the Infinite in which they believed; exercised or meditated. If any of that produces a sigh of relief, a positive alleviating feeling, by all means, do it.
When these feelings control us, when we are possessed by fear and panic, when we are addicted to act in ways that could have dire and even catastrophic results; it would be, figuratively speaking, as if we were controlled and tortured by daemons. A person sees a skull of a goat, ugly thing that it is, and scary enough to engage the minds of the curious, and associates it with the devil. He then can use it as a means to inflict fear in the hearts of the unfaithful; some of which in order to appease the devil, because they are afraid of him, they form a religious sect; another religion is formed. You, seeing the image at some point in your life, and being a little over-stressed and worried not to loose your job, wake up in the middle of the night because your subconscious has associated the image of the skull of the goat, with a distorted similar shape in your dream; you just had a nightmare, say a prayer to calm down or get over it. Seriously, if indeed there are superior beings spying over the Earth, don't they have anything better to do in the whole galaxy, or clusters of them? Do they need to torture us for entertainment?
Certainly in their strife to control by means of establishing yet another correct dogma, the creators of religions lack originality.The story of Hercules, Dionysus, Buddha, Krishna, Christ and others... (please pardon me if I don't want to enrage the fanatics), all bear similarities. And certainly I am not to blame if Eve gave the apple to Adam and he ate it. And if God was to ask anyone nowadays to burn their child for sacrifice, they should seek help immediately. The Infinite would not need to send prophets and messengers, bring a flood and pestilence to make a point, sacrifice infants, and take a people to a 40 year maze of a tour in the desert; neither would it demand for people to perform their ablutions prior to their leader receiving plates with living guidelines, or appear in the sky in something that would resemble a futuristic spacecraft, or have angels sing while they repeatedly ascend and descend a sky-reaching ladder, or pick up one of its prophets in a flying chariot for effect.
The Earth is not even a drop in an infinite ocean of an infinite number of oceans. If the whole universe was to blow up tomorrow, at the same time others would form, let alone a small planet; a bud in a prairie among an infinite multitude of prairies. We humans give so much worth to our lives, because that is all we have. If the Infinite wanted for us to learn something from life and to evolve to something else, it would be left to happen on its own; eventually evolve. It could even speak through our minds, and some of us would indeed speak to others; yet we would speak only what our finite minds understood; and yes our stories would be similar. So believe what you like the outcome and the truth remains the same. Whatever actions we humans do, they only affect ourselves, humanity and society, not the Infinite. The Infinite could care less whether you are righteous or a crook, gluttonous or you fast, virtuous or lustful, strong or weak, brave or a coward; whether you believe in It or not, whether you glorify It or not, whether you sacrifice your life for It or not. Therefore the Infinite could not be used as a means of controlling you by manipulating your feelings; Who knows you may get to be a being of higher level of purpose and service within the Infinite, because everything within our finite existence has a reason right? And maybe some superior organization of beings would grand you a temporary stay in a heaven, and save you from a temporary punishment in a hell, or from utter oblivion. What you believe is in fact a personal matter; there is a multitude of possibilities we can imagine with our finite minds, and it is up to you to decide whether or not it is worth it to spend your life following one dogma out of so many others.
While everything within the Infinite has a role,and serves its own purpose, there is no reason for the Infinite to be the way it is. It just is, as it is. It is the reason for all reasons, because it encompasses every concept of existence. A flower blooms in a prairie, nature takes its course through the seasons, living beings inhale and exhale, a singularity erupts after surpassing the allowable limit of gravitational constriction and a universe disperses and its parts are attracted by the parts of other universes, due to their gravitational attraction, and other singularities are formed. Who else, other than your people, your society and humanity, needs your righteousness, virtue, goodness and positivism?
Perhaps in the historic past, when human law was not able to keep the peace among the deprived masses, which the economy of the times could not supply with even the necessities, religion did provide a solution; or perhaps in the future when our limited planet is not able any more to provide for the population, still some may resolve to believe in an after death salvation. Whereas some of us can swim in deeper waters, we all have our limits of understanding, and can only float for a while, and some could even drown in shallow waters. Certainly religion could play a role of simplifying matters to those who cannot conceive or comprehend deep concepts. So unless religion becomes a burden to the economy, progress and function of society, it could assist in lessening the weight of society in providing for peace and law and order within it.
One thing is absolutely certain. The Infinite is the reason for all existence and all phenomena within the Infinite.
This theory / philosophy is called Infinitism; the theory/philosophy of the Infinite.
To be edited and elaborated upon as time allows.
"He contemplated the grandeur, and the presence of God; the eternity of the future, that strange mystery; the eternity of the past, a stranger mystery; all the infinities hidden deep in every direction; and, without trying to comprehend the incomprehensible, he saw it. He did not study God; he was dazzled by Him. He reflected upon the magnificent union of atoms, which give visible forms to Nature, revealing forces by recognizing them, creating individualities in unity, proportions in extension,the innumerable in the infinite, and through light producing beauty. These unions are forming and dissolving continually; from which come life and death." - Victor Hugo; Les Miserables.
The prevalent theory on Cosmology is the latest one by Stephen Hawking. According to this theory
time started to count for our Universe ever since the Big Bang; the Universe is expanding as is evident from the fact that no matter which direction we look from Earth, galaxies are getting further and further away. Depending how fast things move in a given part of space, its given time.
In my opinion regarding Hawking's theory of the Universe, time is still a matter of perception. It exists as far as measuring movement in that given space in contrast to another movement in space, and also measuring effect/change to an object or existence given the exposure to space/movement/ onditions, and the particular time it took for said object or existence to undergo said exposure to the given space/movement/ conditions. Still no physical time exists, let alone the possibility for time-travel. In addition, gravity would affect the speed of light differently in a given space or universe compared to another space or universe.
According to Hawking the Universe is not static, it expands as it is evident from the aforementioned movement of galaxies seen from Earth. If the Universe was infinite and static, "every line of sight would end on the surface of a star and the sky would be illuminated even at night... unless the stars from far away had switched off ... still the absorbing (hypothetical) matter would eventually heat up and light up at some point..." Hawking also warned against other "pitfalls" of thinking about an infinite universe; there would be no center for the stars to fall on each other (true) is more correct to think of it from a finite perspective of a few (trillion) stars and add more stars afterwards." It is my speculation that there could be infinite centers of greater gravity that attract the stars to that center and less or counterbalancing gravity from neighboring such clusters ... and a Big Bang type of force which surpasses gravity in some cases like in our own Universe ... If rotating galaxies around a black hole, why not rotating Universes around a bigger gravitational center point?
Back to our own Universe... Can it expand forever or would the Big Bang force eventually give in to gravitational forces between the galaxies, along with gravitational forces from other Universes. Newton in his 1st law did state : "an object in space..." But we are talking about space beyond the observable, and an Infinite beyond the imaginable. Wouldn't the energy that made light "travel" eventually be exhausted due to forces that even light itself is subjected to? Can the universe really expand forever! What if it does eventually stop? Then time will stop for our Universe, and star gravity would prevail and our Universe will go back in time and space, and stars will collapse on each other to an Infinite dense singularity; or dense to a point that the compacting forces that would otherwise drive the singularity to even further compaction, would surpass the point of tolerance and an eruption, a new Big Bang will be caused. Then the cycle will be repeated INFINITELY, because there is No Beginning and No End to Eternity; and there is no other way for the Finite, but either a circle of events, or a Beginning and an End of a segment. What if the Galaxies do eventually approach the Galaxies of other universes and all collapse on each other creating other singularities? Is there an end to the "Ifs", "Buts" and theories?! Some of my own hypothesis and suppositions follow to reflect if not possibilities for our own universe, then perhaps other space within the Infinite.
If we where to contemplate what's between "1" and a second "1" that makes a "2", we would realize that what we thought of as a segment, is an infinity in itself. How about "π?" Let's use the scientific method: What is around us? The environment, molecules, protons neutrons etc... and beyond as far as we can see, the horizon; and beyond, the stars! Now what's within the nucleus; within the protons and even the electrons? Other particles. And within them? How about beyond the universe? Following still the "scientific method", we have already recognized "patterns" now we HAVE to extend them beyond the macrocosm and within the microcosm to Infinity! Why? Because according to math there is an Infinity between 1 and 2 (replicated pattern extending to Infinity) and then there is the (-) Infinity (infinite microcosm) and the (+) Infinity (infinite macrocosm). Also considering the law of thermodynamics, we deduce that energy, because it cannot be created or destroyed, can neither be anything but INFINITE from EVERY perspective - microcosm, macrocosm, existence, magnitude etc. - and yes so must be Matter and Intelligence - reasonable step by step deduction we arrived to, due to recognizable patterns from our immediate environment, which following the example of units in math, we replicated infinitely!
The Infinite has no shape nor size, no beginning nor end, no limits and no gaps. "Nothing", "time" and "distance" do not exist for the Infinite, as it encompasses every unit, every stage, every existence and every concept. When humanity refers to the idea of "God", what other concept should have such characteristics attributed to, by humanity, other than the Infinite? Any other traditional god/superior intelligence/existence/being/entity concept would have evolved from the Infinite and would be finite.
Every form of existence; every intelligence, energy and matter, form/evolve from the Infinite and de-form/dissolve into the Infinite. Every existence has what humanity understands as a "role" and a "purpose." The ultimate purpose of intelligent existence is to acquire the knowledge required to bring about positivity in order to counterbalance negativity; both of which are emerging properties/outcomes of actions and reactions that bring forth existence, and to even strive when necessary to bring forth that balance if not an altogether a positive result. This is what existing is; this is what the purpose of life is; to acquire and pass on the knowledge which would enable existence, humanity on Earth, to serve its purpose towards the administration, improvement and amelioration of conditions; within our environment, within the Infinite. Knowledge is passed to the future generations; knowledge and the right actions prove us able for further function within the Infinite, and to serve a further purpose within the Infinite, till we eventually dissolve/de-form back into it.
Negativity springs from selfishness which is the result of self-interest. Self-interest is necessary for every existence in order for it to exist. Because an intelligent existence recognizes the limits within its environment, and the limits of itself, due to self-interest, said existence may become selfish. Without self interest we would not care to exist, yet because we realize that we will only exist for a limited time, wanting to make the best of our existence, we become selfish and behave negatively to others. Negativity and positivity are the result of the interaction of the various forms of existence among themselves and with their environment, within the Infinite; an example is humans interacting with gravity. Without gravity we would not be able to stay on earth and survive, and because of gravity, when we fall we hurt ourselves and even die. That in turn creates further negativity to those who love us and care for us, due to ourselves been hurt; and in case of our death, the loss and the pain to those who care for us, that comes always with it.
Infinite minute particles; perhaps spherical (no other shape would provide for better combinations to form matter, and no other shape of matter would provide for better fluidity within the infinite than the spherical), bring about every action and reaction, and all phenomena within the Infinite; such as matter, energy and intelligence; along with gravity, light and sound.
If "nothing" did exist, if even infinitely minute space of nothing truly existed, there would be no Infinite since there would be limits/borders within it; which means that the only seemingly infinite, had beginnings and endings. Yet existence, or particles and objects forming everything within the Infinite cannot form/evolve out of nothing. Therefore, nothing cannot exist at all and definitely cannot extend beyond the Infinite, for the Infinite to exist, and for everything else to exist within the Infinite. Yet, if "nothing" does not exists, what then explains space for fluidity within the Infinite? Could there be an Infinite Nothing within an Infinite Everything, how could that be possible when the existence of the one, would nullify the existence of the other? Surely there always has to be something for something else to form from, and there always has to be something for something else to be de-formed ( destroyed, be disposed of) into.
Could it be perhaps that we have an Infinite "antimatter" evolving to an "Infinite" matter and vice versa, infinitely? We could suppose that Infinite Universes of anti-matter, break apart to infinite minute particles of antimatter and switch/evolve/form in turn to infinite particles of matter, which further form infinite Universes of matter. In turn infinite Universes of matter break apart to infinite minute particles of matter and switch to infinite minute particles of antimatter which further form infinite Universes of antimatter, infinitely.
Distance does not exist for the Infinite because even if an object travels thousands of light years in space, from the perspective of the Infinite, at the same time it has not moved at all, it moved thousands of light years, and it is also moving infinitely. The infinite is ever reaching and ever extending from every perspective both outwards the macrocosm and inwards the microcosm. The Infinite is within every matter, energy and intelligence, and every matter, energy and intelligence is formed from within the Infinite and de-formed into the Infinite. There are no absolute sizes within the infinite, nothing is absolutely large or absolutely small. An absolute zero temperature for example denotes a situation in which all movement ceases. Yet movement never ceases absolutely and completely; it decelerates infinitely into the infinite microcosm, and accelerates infinitely within the infinite macrocosm (infinite large in size and number clusters of universes). The movement of infinitely smaller particles would generate infinitely lower temperatures as far as we could measure, and a cluster of infinite number of stars, would generate immeasurable levels of temperature; additionally temperature is never static.
Time does not exist for the infinite. Time is simply a measurement of movement in reference to other movement or change. Change happens due to the interaction of particles or objects and its rate and effect depend on the cause and influencing factors and the object undergoing it. Change is relative to circumstance, and its effect (positive or negative, quick or slow) is a matter of perception of a hypothetical observer and the object going through said change. What we think of as time, passes quickly when we are busy, absorbed in thought, are entertained; yet seems to stall in traffic, when we are bored, working through a drudging task etc.
Infinite universes and clusters of infinite universes are formed and deformed infinitely with infinite possibilities. Nothing could possibly be flat in the infinite; everything within the Infinite is made of particles (quite possibly spherical in shape for fluidity of movement and formation) with smaller particles forming between the spaces the larger particles form. If an object becomes small enough, it will find itself in a three dimensional space. Therefore there is no such thing as a two dimensional space, and since physical time does not actually exist, there is no such thing as a forth dimension and consequently any more dimensions, additionally after realizing that there are no such things as the so called "parallel universes."
To suppose that in the vastness of the Infinite where everything is possible, an exact replica of our own universe existed, we would have to assume that in that universe every chain reaction from its beginning to the given point of comparison to our own, was exactly the same for every factor, even if seemingly insignificant, which factor would otherwise bring forth a difference between the two universes. But each of the two universes would have also been affected by infinite chains of actions and reactions, which would have led to the formation of said two universes; which chains of actions and reactions, would also have to be exactly the same in order for the two universes to be exactly the same replica of each other, and so on. Continuing that process of reasoning we would deduce that to have an exact replica universe we would have to have such a phenomenon of exact replication which would have to reach an INFINITE degree. That would mean replicated infinities! Therefore two exactly the same universes where a person could find the exact replica of himself, and travel in that universes time frame, are an impossibility. Even if we allow for the concept of exact replicated infinities in order to consider the possibilities of this version of time-travel, said person would have to be able to find the exact replica of his planet within the exact replica of his universe, among the infinite choices within the infinite, and travel to the exact point in time of his choice, since the formation of said universe, in order to travel from that point in time of that universe, to a specific time in the past or the future. That would be the only way to travel in time and as already stated, this version of time-travel is also non-existent; simply because there cannot be replicated infinities; let alone for every individual existence.
The only way that dimensional time could exist, in order for time-travel to be possible, would be if we would consider infinite possible futures within infinite EXACTLY THE SAME UNIVERSES. These universes would have to have infinite minute differences to cover the changes occurring by the different course of action an individual existence would have taken and the infinitely spanning effect of those actions to other existences and circumstances.We would be affected in turn, by such infinite circumstances and by the effect of such infinite existences to an infinite minute level even, as we are presently affected unbeknownst to ourselves and the people of our environment, the infinite possibilities of which, it would have taken an infinity of replicated infinities to cover. That would be the only way to have dimensional time, with dimensional past and present, and a dimensional future (one out of the infinite available PER INDIVIDUAL EXISTENCE); through which infinite futures, unbeknownst to ourselves and the people of our environment, we were passing to (from one in a given infinite fraction of a moment, to another one out of the infinite alternatives). Which one preexisting/predetermined future would be chosen out of the infinite choices would depend to minute details, infinite minute effects even, within the course of our daily life. As it has already, and repeatedly, been stated though, such exact replica universes are an impossibility because such a phenomenon would also imply replicated infinities, with only infinitely minute differences. What would the point of such infinite futures be, if that was even a possibility, other than to satisfy the fans of sci-fi fiction? And while there indeed exist infinite infinities within the Infinite; THE INFINITE IN ITSELF IS NOT REPLICATED!
Even if we suppose for the sake of the argument that time-travel was possible, in order to travel to the past by means of actual linear time travel, and not by transcendinding to another parallel universe, a person would have to have the means to roll back all the chains of actions and reactions that lead to his/her present point in time. Such a regression would in turn change the person's environment, world and Universe to an infinite perhaps effect; which as a result would bring infinite changed actions and reactions in the future; which would in turn bring change of infinite proportions. The result of said person's cells regressing would have a chain of actions and reactions to particles forming the subatomic particles that comprise them. Every action and every act, such as metabolic and other bodily functions would have to be regressed! For said person to travel to the future, if supposedly there is such thing as dimensional time, he or she would have to choose from infinite choices as mentioned earlier, since linear travel could not be possible fo a future not yet formed in the given universe; and how then could a future be already formed in others? Could he/she have possibly traveled beyond their time of death in a given parallel universe while being dead in others? If said person had traveled in the past before the time of their birth, said person would have not yet been born in this other parallel reality. Could they find themseves in the new emerging present after he or she find himself/herself after his/her birth and both individuals live in the same reality? That would mean parallel realities/universes merging! Even if we assume that while we cannot travel in the future since it does not yet exist and that we can only travel in the past, if that was possible, it would mean to retract/erase an already existing future; or that said future would continue to exist in some other parallel reality. Such parallel realities exist only in our minds, but they could provide themes for sci-fi stories.
If such a one predetermined/preexisting future existed for an existence, then there would be no point for that existence, or its purpose would be limited (animals in a farm). If the future of our world was predetermined, then humanity could not be held accountable for its actions. There would be no point for existence, since there would be no living, experiencing, and learning from it. The future of every existence within the infinite could not be predetermined, if that was the case the infinite would be limited, with other words there would be no infinite since every existence in it would be like limitedly functioning machinery. Finally, if we believed that our future was predetermined/preexisting, then while we would and should still confine and punish criminals and the tyrants of history, could we still also hold them ethically accountable; same argument could be made of course for the criminals' and tyrants' mental status and genetic make up, is there a very fine line between mental status and evil nature?
If we were to accept the existence of a physical time; a so called 4th dimension, we would have to imagine an infinitely branching future, from an infinitely minute present, the way to which present, infinite routes from the past lead (or in a case of the tree of time infinite roots leading to a non-discernible trunk/present, then branching infinitely); certainly by the time an infinite fraction of an attosecond passes we find ourselves in a new present, the future; and that only for infinite fractions of an attosecond. Additionally every present in itself could have infinite alternatives. Infinite holographic versions of ourselves, ready to be filled in, based on a minute fraction of a choice that would decide the course of things among the alternative; acting and reacting with infinite holographic versions of others, who also act and react with each other and the forces within their environment. Surely we can predict a change in the future based on our ability to bring about such a change, but to hint on predetermined outcomes based on a theory of physical time, a 4th dimension, does not fall far from claiming that people could be told their future by knowing forces summoned; that we are simply hamsters in a maze for the entertainment of others. That there is no actual free will, but we are locked in choosing our few alternatives, or no free will at all, because the alternative we think we choose is already pre-determined. That the Infinite in Itself, is actually a finite limetedly functioning machinery; not the case, because as aforementioned, had it been the case, it would have to have an origin and an end and would not be Infinite.
The idea that the future already exists, that everything is predetermined and therefore no reason for anyone to work towards anything since the outcome has already taken place in the future, or some version of a predetermined future, not only is not acceptable; it is preposterous. At least with astrology there is always the explanation that "forces/spirits" would make things take place as foretold to lure you in the occult. Some of this time travel multidimensional notions do not seem to be further from science fiction, pseudoscience and even occultism.
The idea of time travel sprang from the notion that time would slow down when travelling at the speed of light, and even regress when travelling faster. This theory could never be validated because such speeds are impossible to reach. Furthermore a craft travelling at such speeds would have to follow a means of navigation other than light since the image of objects in the immediate front of the craft, would reach the craft at double the speed of light (both light and craft traveling at the same speed) and objects perpendicular to the sides and back of the craft would be invisible (craft is always ahead of the image generated) . The pilots would not be able to react since what would be visible to them would be a mixed stream of color and light jetting on them from their front sides and through the immediate front, because both them and the light travel at the same speed (for one it would seem to them that they would crash on objects earlier than they actually would; also, for the sake of the point, we suppose that they survived the trip, and we also exclude friction that would generate an enormous amount of heat and turn the craft alight, before it reached a fraction of the light-speed; also we neglect the relativity concept which states that the mass of the aircraft would reach infinite levels and therefore would encompass the Infinite in whole. Since objects travelling at the speed of light are impossible to observe, since their original position would be visible after they had already been gone, experiments with them are impossible to be conducted even in our imagination. Without even a reasonable deduction based on logical steps we could consider other possibilities and even doubt the existence of dimensional time, a road onto which one can travel back and forth. Additionally, the detrimental effect to the objects travelling at the speed of light, would give false perception in regards to their shape, and deem such imagined experiments non-conductible even in our imagination. An experiment that cannot be conducted even in our imagination, has no grounds and its theoretical outcomes are invalid, non existing or at least questionable.
Certainly the infinite in number and size particles that comprise the fabric of the Universe, are affected by gravitational forces. It may take more or less seconds or years for a being or a thing to deteriorate when exposed to gravitational or other influence within a portion of space or environment as opposed to another. If the fabric of a section of space was to be stretched, shrunk or dilated by gravitational forces, then it may take more or less hours, days, months or years for a spaceship (which is also affected by gravity) to make the destination. The clocks in the spaceship may break or skip a few bits due to mechanical reasons; they will not go any faster as our hearts would, because they are machines; unless gravity has affected our brain to the effect of delusion, or some sinister force plays a trick on us, or we simply want to convince ourselves that we traveled through time; a venue that actually does not exist. Certainly the mechanism of clocks or watches on mount Everest, may be affected less by gravity making them move infinitely more freely as opposed to clocks or watches at see level who may loose a second or two with time. But that does not mean that time exists. Gravity and its mechanical and biological effect only exist! Sure people on mount Everest may live longer, and stay younger longer! Less affect by gravity, less stress and cleaner air, better food and purer water; not to mention the tend more towards natural medicine, unless they have appendicitis. As for some unknown mechanical affects, the clock of my automobile always gains up to 10 minutes and I have to get it adjusted every time I take it for service.
Einstein, and those who sold books and made movies based on his "time-travel" theories tapped on humanity's characteristic of remorse and regret. Who would not want to go back in time and change things after they had acquired precious knowledge? Surely it would be nice if we could live long enough and be young enough to live, learn and live better in our longer futures.
Though at times referring to infinite levels and values, Einstein sometimes seems to not fully consider concepts from the perspective of the infinite and infinity; neither does he apply the idea of the infinite and infinity to EVERY concept. Einstein came up with an equation which while scientists believe it holds its ground to things we can actually perceive and observe (or we think we do) it does not perhaps apply to the reality of the Infinite! If the maximum heat we can theoretically get would be produced by running an almost infinitely large object by the speed of the fastest thing we are able to observe (light), then that would be the maximum temperature (Energy) theoretically achievable; which would be a finite amount and not infinite, since it is depended upon a finite value, the constant speed of light. Which leads to the paradox that the whole amount of energy within the Infinite, is a finite unit! What is the paradox with this, is that it contradicts the law of thermodynamics dictating that energy cannot be created or destroyed. If something is finite IT HAS TO BE CREATED AND BE ABLE TO BE DESTROYED, otherwise IT CAN BE NOTHING BUT INFINITE!
If we consider an object approaching a wall, would it eventually reach or NEVER reach the wall? How about BOTH at the SAME time! When we consider things from the perspective of an object of finite size, sure it will eventually reach the wall... that "0" point or in Einstein's terms the fastest speed possibly achievable, the speed of light (before time and space get SUPPOSEDLY all jumbled up, relativity etc. ), but wait... What if the object becomes small enough to pass between the particles that comprise the wall? Now consider this, what if as it passes it continues to become ever so small, INFINITELY small; at what point does it exactly pass through, or even reach the wall? NEVER!
If an object traveled with the speed of light its original position would be invisible (meaning we would see the object in its original position after the object had been gone already, because it would take the same speed for light to reach it, and therefore light would not reach it in time), so Einstein's relativity examples would not hold (the objects that seem to collide to the perception of one observer while they overpass each other according to the perception of another observer). Also if the speed of light cannot be achieved, especially when considering what would happen to the mass ( spacecraft ) accelerating hypothetically towards even a fraction of the speed of light, maybe the mentioning of time-travel would be more appropriate for the science fiction books. The fascination around time-travel, is good for sales.
As light is bent by gravitational forces and is reflected upon objects, we will never be able to visit inhabited planets or will be visited by organic species from other planets unless we (or they) find other means of navigating through space other than light, why ? Light-speed travelers would need to be able to perceive what lies ahead in time to avoid collisions; They would need a "Somedar" (for a lack of a better word meaning a machinery which would be using other means to function than rays - many, many times faster than light) to tell the hypothetical light-speed travelers what laid ahead; and even then their brains would never be able to react at such speeds. Perhaps artificial intelligence thinking much faster than the speed of light, to bring the "pulp" that would remain from the bodies of the travelers somewhere; and NO time would not be affected (since it does not actually exist) and the travelers would not travel in it; neither the effect of their brains bouncing in their skulls would change, or their cells and the very molecules that comprise them. Do I need to get into the type of steering and break system they would need ... so no living breathing species could have ever possibly reached, or will ever possibly reach Earth, unless they were or will be able to navigate by other means than following the path of light (shortcuts of the universe), or unless they are other forms of energy + intelligence + matter combination (for one they shouldn't have to breath, drink, eat move their bowels etc. - no time to sleep from all that bouncing and the noise and heat from all that friction etc. etc.).
Currents of particles could be the cause of movement of objects in space, and the cause of whirlpools (wormholes). Gravity (magnetic fields) pulls space forming particles, pulling as a consequence said space, and bend light, the only means of navigation in space (following the bowed trajectory of light as opposed to following the straight line which would connect the edges of the hypothetical bow between two points of the bowed trajectory of light).
Imagine if light didn't truly travel as believed! Imagine if it was rather a ripple particle reaction our brains understand as "light"; like water waves having a ripple reaction the impact of which we feel or see on objects. There is movement of water, but it is not the first molecules in line which reach us, but the last ones . When light (or sound) occurs (electron jump in the case of light - explosion or vibration of a surface which sets in motion sound waves in the case of sound), in most cases it can be observed from every direction (unless there is an obstacle blocking their way). Could that mean that light doesn't actually travel? Could it be that the electron jumps which generate photons, cause a ripple effect from particle to particle, a wave the end of which affects our brains in a way we understand as " light?" Maybe the size of particles determines the size of what we understand as the wavelengths. It would be like if people would stand in line in every direction and in the middle there was a fire. The people around the fire, fire up a torch simultaneously and almost instantaneously pass the torch to the next person. It is not the first people that lighted up the torch who ran with it and lightened up an area a few miles or light years away, but the last person/particle at the end of the line! Maybe the passing along of the photon (the torch), is what causes the wavy motion. With colored surfaces, it could be that the involved particles on the given surfaces, repeat the passing of the photon only on the particles the size of which corresponds to what we understand as the wavelength of the particular color in the spectrum. How long it would take from the particle jumps that occurred to create the photons (or rather the ripple/passing of the photon effect) to the effect that those particle jumps (creation of photons) would have on our brains, times the distance between our eyes and the particle jumps, we could be interpreting as light-speed. This hypothesis could explain why it takes light speed for a photon to have its effect on our brains and while though it can be observed it has no mass let alone acquiring infinite mass. This could also explain how it is that light having no mass is affected by gravitational forces, is pulled by a black hole (not the photons themselves but the particles of space involved in the light ripple/passing on of the photon effect).
As scientists believe, photons are travelling at light speed. As scientists also claim, photons have no mass, they don't acquire infinite mass as they "travel" light speed, as relativity suggests for particles or objects travelling at the speed of light! Light travels in all directions blocked only by obstacles. Considering a single direction, traveling for 13 Billion years (oldest light observable) would take a lot of energy lost. Where has light acquired all that energy from? Additionally the effect of particles interacting with each other, would explain the lack of need of "Ether" for light or sound to travel as earlier physics theorist assumed, and the presence of so called "electromagnetic fields"; areas within which particles would interact electromagnetically.
If light did not actually travel, we would have the TIME it took for the effect, but no SPACE (no travel). Take light, as we think we know it, out of the equation, and the MAGICAL/ALLURING idea of relativity is falling apart ! Why do we give so much weight to light? Sure without light we would not be able to observe anything. Yet isn't every observable phenomenon in the universe depended upon gravity and the bonding forces of matter? Isn't movement by objects and planets in space the result of gravity, and movement by living species and machines a result of action opposing gravity ? Isn't the movement of electron from a higher level of energy to a lower that produces light? Isn't energy, in the form of light required for an electron to jump from a lower to higher level of energy. And when the electron moves to the particular energy level doesn't it adjust its wavelength to the wavelength of the orbit it moved to? Aren't the various bonding forces involved in these movements, energy gaining or releasing and the necessity for wavelength adjustments? Finally isn't the continues breaking and remaking of bonds of atoms/molecules that releases heat (energy)? Every phenomenon in the universe, such as energy, is the result of gravity and the bonding forces of matter. Isn't it perhaps gravity as aforementioned that causes infinite universes to compact to infinite singularities, or to a point of tolerance beyond which new Big Bangs would occur, repeating the cycle between singularities and "Big Bangs" infinitely?
"Imagination is..." NOT "...better than knowledge". Imagination is the means to collect the "ore" ( conceive the idea), yet REASON, LOGICAL DEDUCTION, and yes scientific experimentation are the means to distill the "GOLD", which is knowledge.
The aforementioned considerations would lead to the six fundamental principles of the Infinite from which most concepts could be explained:
1) There is no such thing as absolute size, absolute number; absolute large or absolute small.
2) Energy cannot be created or destroyed; it is formed from matter and it forms matter, and it takes intelligence to do so. The Infinite is the Infinite Intelligence, Energy and Matter.
3) Where there is an action there is always a reaction. Everything within the Infinite is the result of the cause and effect phenomenon. The Infinite is the reason for all existence, objects and phenomena.
4) Time does not exist. Time is simply a concept, a means to measure movement in reference to other movement; how many turns a planet made around a star, while that star was rotating once around its galaxy.
5) If an object becomes small enough it will find itself in a "THREE DIMENSIONAL SPACE". Since physical/dimensional time does not exist, a fourth dimension does not exist either. There are no more dimensions than three and depending on the size of the protractor we are imagining, whether finite or non, the analogous number of directions.
6) Math is matter of perception (a dimension if you like) because our mathematical calculations depend on what amount we assign to a UNIT (stage). Math is the assigned amount of a unit (1), its absence (0) and the Infinite (never absolute unit or absolute absence of it).
"Nothing", "Everything", "Time", "Space", "Distance", "Dimensions, "Beginning", "End", "Energy", "Mass", "Intelligence",
"Objects", "Particles" are simply concepts conceived to describe what we THINK we see and understand within the INFINITE.
Matter would not move without energy and energy could not be directed without intelligence; the Infinite Intelligence Energy and Matter. To no other concept except the Infinite could be attributed, some of the characteristics humanity has attributed to the idea of "God."
And "the fool said there is no God" :
Is it really foolish to say there is no God? What is God other than the Infinite? Why would it matter for the Infinite, whether you believe in it or not? Does the Infinite truly exist? Doesn't to exist mean to have a beginning and an end; to be finite? Doesn't the infinite include all existence and phenomena, and isn't the Infinite the reason for all existence and phenomena? What is the Infinite? What is God? Does it have a conscious, a "Me" as Victor Hugo put it, when he stated in his novel, Les Miserables: " The infinite exists. It is there. If the infinite had no me, the me would be its limit; it would not be the infinite; in other words, it would not be. But it is. Then it has a Me. This Me of the infinite is God."
Well it matters for humanity. Imagine 5 billion something people (young children excluded), believing that this is all there is to it. That because of their primordial necessity for existence, that is self interest, and recognizing their finality, they had to blindly and wholeheartedly obey the emerging property of self-interest, selfishness; and achieve self satisfaction AT ALL COSTS! Welcome to the APOCALYPSE! It is a finite world after all, and it has to have some rules; conscience and consequences for those who choose or contemplate not to play by them. Draw your own conclusions. The Infinite is all inclusive, and all derives from it and all is directed to it, in an eternal, endless, infinite cycle of events.
Sure we cannot have perfection, ONLY THE INFINITE IS PERFECT; PERFECTLY INFINITE FROM EVER PERSPECTIVE! But we can counterbalance negativity with positivity! certainly ALL religions have major flaws, some more than others; some are evil and disastrous to society no doubt whatsoever! But completely and utterly without any faith at all (assuming that that was possible) we would have a MAD-MAX movie, type of chaos on Earth! What self-destructive force (or otherwise), what insanity, what downright FOOLISHNESS would advocate for that... That is why nature gave humanity consciousness, along with thought. And IT TOOK AN INIFINITE INTELLIGENCE TO DESIGN IT. It didn't just pop up on its own; that too was an emerging property, an outcome of evolution. But who or what started evolution and intervened in it? Same phenomenon that started and intervened in everything else, the Infinite phenomenon.
Yet, even the need to have a "Me" for the Infinite, as Victor Hugo claimed in his novel, would in itself consist a limit. The concept of "God", a human concept in itself, is a limit in itself. Throughout the history of humanity, many gods, proclaimed their presence, and many were created out of the human need to provide solutions and appease and alleviate emotions; which are part of human nature and evolved as means to sustain it against the presence of any form of negativity. The emotion of fear for example, useful to avert danger, together with the realization of the limit of existence, needed to find a resolution in a form of an after-death existence, provided by a loving supreme being.
In terms of religious point of view, there is that of the Atheist, who believes that there is no such a thing as God; the Agnostic who does not hold for an opinion or against; the Theist, who believes that there is definitely a God; and the Infinitist who considers all concepts and acknowledges that, being that all concepts are included within the Infinite, they convey an understanding, whether interpreted or extrapolated, figuratively or literally.
But what characteristics does humanity attribute to a god? Certainly the concept of superior beings with finite however needs, could apply to some entity or organization of entities who visited occasionally another planet; or some superior civilization colonizing a technologically inferior one. Or organizations within civilizations which fabricate stories, and by taking advantage of the needs and feelings of the people, establish an hierarchy of power over them and control them; by propagandizing the idea that riches and possessions of goods lead to a Hell (or belong to the elect of god), whereas sharing of goods, poverty, or struggling to make ends meet, lead to Heaven; being proud of your abilities and intelligence are faults, whereas meekness and humbleness are blessings; entertainment is a sin, whereas asceticism is a virtue. Surely if the masses have no riches; if they are powerless, and they demand less; if they are too humble to seek to acquire knowledge and ability; then they are sheep and therefore easy to control.
If there is one educational aspect that should not be neglected from a young age, that is that our feelings are means to be put to good use when needed, and that we should be in control over them; that feelings are substances in our brains with neurological and biological effects to ourselves; our feelings and thoughts affect one the other and bring in turn positive or negative effects to both ourselves and society. Our feelings and thoughts are also affected by outside influence, which in turn generate a chain of conscious and subconscious associations, which result to actions which bring reactions, which in turn bring about a series of events, with, in many cases, long lasting and even historic outcomes. Our thoughts and feelings affect us both psychologically and biologically (toxins or lack of, hormonal effect, the well being or disease of our very cells). People from young age, should learn to control their feelings as opposed to resolve in brain numbing, addictive and harmful medications (more toxins for the liver to deal with). Even to the point of disease, is best to do with as much less negativity as possible. Exercise, keep the body and the mind as strong and healthy as possible, keep positive feelings to the maximum, negative to the minimum; to fight off disease, by supporting your health with the right nutrition (vitamins if nutrients are not adequate), off of any unnecessary and especially harmful chemicals, harmful medical procedures which produce no other result, but more stress and more defects to our immune system and the well being of every healthy cells available; and which exasperate the body, and bring about a disease that may have otherwise occurred much later in life, or have never occurred till a ripe old age altogether. Keep off anything that stresses you up, any bad news and negativity that you could nothing about, if it stresses you up to a point of disease, or the worsening of the ailment. If you need to counterbalance negativity, then surely the less of it you come up against, the better. When you do come up against unavoidable negativity, try to deal with it by let it affect you as less as possible. People have been channeling negativity away for centuries, through prayer to a positive force within the Infinite in which they believed; exercised or meditated. If any of that produces a sigh of relief, a positive alleviating feeling, by all means, do it.
When these feelings control us, when we are possessed by fear and panic, when we are addicted to act in ways that could have dire and even catastrophic results; it would be, figuratively speaking, as if we were controlled and tortured by daemons. A person sees a skull of a goat, ugly thing that it is, and scary enough to engage the minds of the curious, and associates it with the devil. He then can use it as a means to inflict fear in the hearts of the unfaithful; some of which in order to appease the devil, because they are afraid of him, they form a religious sect; another religion is formed. You, seeing the image at some point in your life, and being a little over-stressed and worried not to loose your job, wake up in the middle of the night because your subconscious has associated the image of the skull of the goat, with a distorted similar shape in your dream; you just had a nightmare, say a prayer to calm down or get over it. Seriously, if indeed there are superior beings spying over the Earth, don't they have anything better to do in the whole galaxy, or clusters of them? Do they need to torture us for entertainment?
Certainly in their strife to control by means of establishing yet another correct dogma, the creators of religions lack originality.The story of Hercules, Dionysus, Buddha, Krishna, Christ and others... (please pardon me if I don't want to enrage the fanatics), all bear similarities. And certainly I am not to blame if Eve gave the apple to Adam and he ate it. And if God was to ask anyone nowadays to burn their child for sacrifice, they should seek help immediately. The Infinite would not need to send prophets and messengers, bring a flood and pestilence to make a point, sacrifice infants, and take a people to a 40 year maze of a tour in the desert; neither would it demand for people to perform their ablutions prior to their leader receiving plates with living guidelines, or appear in the sky in something that would resemble a futuristic spacecraft, or have angels sing while they repeatedly ascend and descend a sky-reaching ladder, or pick up one of its prophets in a flying chariot for effect.
The Earth is not even a drop in an infinite ocean of an infinite number of oceans. If the whole universe was to blow up tomorrow, at the same time others would form, let alone a small planet; a bud in a prairie among an infinite multitude of prairies. We humans give so much worth to our lives, because that is all we have. If the Infinite wanted for us to learn something from life and to evolve to something else, it would be left to happen on its own; eventually evolve. It could even speak through our minds, and some of us would indeed speak to others; yet we would speak only what our finite minds understood; and yes our stories would be similar. So believe what you like the outcome and the truth remains the same. Whatever actions we humans do, they only affect ourselves, humanity and society, not the Infinite. The Infinite could care less whether you are righteous or a crook, gluttonous or you fast, virtuous or lustful, strong or weak, brave or a coward; whether you believe in It or not, whether you glorify It or not, whether you sacrifice your life for It or not. Therefore the Infinite could not be used as a means of controlling you by manipulating your feelings; Who knows you may get to be a being of higher level of purpose and service within the Infinite, because everything within our finite existence has a reason right? And maybe some superior organization of beings would grand you a temporary stay in a heaven, and save you from a temporary punishment in a hell, or from utter oblivion. What you believe is in fact a personal matter; there is a multitude of possibilities we can imagine with our finite minds, and it is up to you to decide whether or not it is worth it to spend your life following one dogma out of so many others.
While everything within the Infinite has a role,and serves its own purpose, there is no reason for the Infinite to be the way it is. It just is, as it is. It is the reason for all reasons, because it encompasses every concept of existence. A flower blooms in a prairie, nature takes its course through the seasons, living beings inhale and exhale, a singularity erupts after surpassing the allowable limit of gravitational constriction and a universe disperses and its parts are attracted by the parts of other universes, due to their gravitational attraction, and other singularities are formed. Who else, other than your people, your society and humanity, needs your righteousness, virtue, goodness and positivism?
Perhaps in the historic past, when human law was not able to keep the peace among the deprived masses, which the economy of the times could not supply with even the necessities, religion did provide a solution; or perhaps in the future when our limited planet is not able any more to provide for the population, still some may resolve to believe in an after death salvation. Whereas some of us can swim in deeper waters, we all have our limits of understanding, and can only float for a while, and some could even drown in shallow waters. Certainly religion could play a role of simplifying matters to those who cannot conceive or comprehend deep concepts. So unless religion becomes a burden to the economy, progress and function of society, it could assist in lessening the weight of society in providing for peace and law and order within it.
One thing is absolutely certain. The Infinite is the reason for all existence and all phenomena within the Infinite.
This theory / philosophy is called Infinitism; the theory/philosophy of the Infinite.
To be edited and elaborated upon as time allows.
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