vendredi 25 octobre 2019

Company Sued in Racial Discrimination Case Says They Don't Know if Claimant is Black

So Tracey Evans, a clearly black man, sues his employer, Founders Brewing, for a racially hostile workplace and using slurs at work. In court proceedings, the defendants claim to be unaware of Evans' heritage and won't answer to whether he is black or not:


‘I don't know Tracy's lineage, so I can't speculate on whether he's — if he's from Africa or not,’ Dominic Ryan, who is white, said to Evans’ attorney, Jack Schulz, when asked about the claimant’s race.
Pics of Evans in the article. He is not exactly a margin call for being readily identified as a black man.

I know that litigators can split hairs about definitions ad infinitum, but does this really make any level of sense as a defense?

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