mercredi 11 décembre 2019

'They' enters the English language as a singular pronoun

Not sure I approve of this.


Merriam-Webster has named "they" its word of the year.

The US dictionary also recently added a new definition of "they", reflecting its use as a singular personal pronoun for non-binary people.

Searches for "they" on Merriam-Webster's website were 313% higher this year than they were in 2018.

British pop star Sam Smith came out as non-binary in March, and in September confirmed on Instagram that their pronouns were "they/them".

It offends the principle of differentiating between singular and plural. It jars to see a news report in which one person is described as 'they'. It is probably all right if the aim is to avoid revealing gender.

I have never really liked Merriam-Webster for the way it readily discards convention and correctness.

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