mardi 11 février 2020

The CIA struck a deal with the Saudis to monitor the hijackers and not tell the FBI?

I’ve heard speculation of this nature from people like Richard Clarke and some angry FBI agents who remain bitter over the failure of the CIA to share critical information about two of the eventual hijackers, Nawaf al-Hazmi and Khalid al-Midhar. The basic idea is that the CIA was covertly trusting Saudi intelligence to “flip” these two Saudi al-Qaeda operatives.

Supposed evidence for this is the assistance given to Hazmi and Midhar by a handful of men alleged to be Saudi spies upon the hijackers’ arrival in California, and the reported financing of those men by then-Saudi Ambassador to the United States Bandar bin Sultan (a well-connected man in Washington, to say the least) and his wife. These reports are documented to varying extents in the “28 pages” of the Joint Congressional Report, the 9/11 Commission Report, and media sources.

I am personally skeptical of a lot of this, but I remain open; on balance, I find it plausible but unlikely. I’m not sure what others here think, but I suspect there is a mix of views.

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