jeudi 25 juin 2020

Strange Skype update

Win10 Pro and (now) Skype v here.

We fired up Skype yesterday to call our daughter and Skype, as it often does, did a quick update.

It left us with a blank screen that proudly announced 'Skype' top left, but nothing more, so we switched to a WhatsApp video call. A few minutes into that Skype came to life so we reverted to that.

Same story this morning on another call. A 3 or 4 minute delay for Skype to get going. Task manager shows it sitting there occupying some memory but using 0% cpu.

I uninstalled/reinstalled but have exactly the same problem, a lengthy delay to get any action. We have a good internet connection here.

The intertubes are no help. Any thoughts?

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