samedi 14 novembre 2020

The Poisoned Chalice of the Nobel Peace Prize.

Seriously, the committee has turned the Nobel peace Prize into a laughing-stock.

Abiy Ahmed, 2019:

Barack Obama:

Al Gore? Not a murderer, but what the hell did he have to do with peace? One movie that was dubiously sourced and made zero difference.

The deeply hideous Aung San Suu Kyi:

The equally-hideous "Saint" Teresa of Kolkata: (I know nobody needs the link, but it's Hitch, so you get it anyway.)

Words fail me on Henry Kissinger, just as they did in 1973.

The United Nations? No joke - the UN actually won it in 2001, a neat couple of months after the US invasion of Afghanistan.

Trump would not even be close to the worst person awarded one if they'd thrown it his way.

Certainly, there have been some worthy winners, but when the pot is poisoned by the above list, it becomes an object of derision rather than praise and should now cease to exist. Give the money to Medicine, Chemistry, or at least something useful.

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