vendredi 11 juin 2021

Speed Cameras for Cash

I've always been a fan of speed cameras, but I remember a 60 Minutes report of angry Frenchies disabling them. In my experience, Californians typically express resentment that politicians and police departments use the cameras to pick our pockets. I remember one dumb-as-**** Texan saying cameras were tantamount to cheating, "If you're gunna ticket me, ya gotta catch me." **** you, guy I vaguely remember from 20 years ago and might not even be from Texas.

Today I learned that in Sweden they have speed cameras that redistribute money from lawbreakers to responsible motorists. Those who follow the laws are entered into some kind of lottery, and most people like the system. More than sticks, you get carrots.

But you know what? **** that. Let's instead redistribute the money from people who are speeding to the kind folks in the immediate vicinity. I'd love to get a check two weeks later reminding me about the idiot in the elevated F-250 who zipped by me doin' 74 in a 35. Even more, I'd love to take HIS money. Which is now MY money.

Such a system would save thousands of lives a year.

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