samedi 23 octobre 2021

War/Not War on Christmas


Originally Posted by acbytesla (Post 13635573)
Then we disagree as I think your evaluation is overblown. Just like the GOP suggesting every year that there is a war on Christmas and that Democrats hate America. There is nothing there there.

I agree that "war" is a bad word for it, but it has become less popular and socially acceptable to celebrate Christmas and more popular and socially acceptable to celebrate "the Holidays". I remember when I was a kid, you used to be able to say to anyone "Merry Christmas". Now the other place I feel comfortable doing that is with my own family and when I am at Church.

One other thing I've noticed is that town and city Christmas trees are referred to as "Holiday trees", yet I never see a town or city Menorah referred to as a "Holiday candle".

So I would say there is a skirmish on Christmas.

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