mercredi 17 novembre 2021

OK dreaming when your on a drug that doesn't allow you to wake up

I'm sure several illegal drug users have had many such experiences but I only had this happen twice. I was given a lithatripsy to break up a large kidney stone and the stones didn't pass properly. The pain was bad but to ease this pain I was given Roxicet.

Roxicet is a morphine derived pain killing drug. It causes you to get sleepy and during your sleep you dream. The dreams are fantastic.

H.P. Lovecraft called lucid dreaming "crossing the threshold" of dream. You can do that with roxicet.

Ok I've described this dream here before. In my dream three aliens had become stranded in my Uncles pasture or farmland and I was speaking very kindly to them reassuring them that they would be alright.

The aliens looked like Gumby. Instead of being green they were snow white. The dream ended with the alien child sitting in my lap on my Uncles porch until the government came to help them.

Dream number two. I was with a monk who said he could show me the true image of Jesus in a painting her had deep in a cellar. walking down the cellar there were the mummys of deceased priests. Arriving at the painting he brushed off the dust to reveal a bearded scwling angry man. I said thats not Jesus. The face in the painting started screaming and the mummys became animated and hostile and in panic the monk and I ran up the long corridore at which time the dream turned into something else.

This time I was in a space colony talking to a housewife sweeping the living space and apparently an alien was with her family. This squirming gray egg shaped creature intrigued me as it appeared to have neither arms nor legs.

The creature suddenly had spindly arms and legs sprout out and and it walked away from me also revealing very red colored legs with a multi fingered hand.

That is all I recall.

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