vendredi 3 décembre 2021

So I had a UFO experience

Note "experience" because I can't say I saw it. I didn't. But I sure heard and felt something weird.

It was at night. I was up late, around 2-3 AMish (there's a pandemic, sue me) and things were chill as I was just watching some TV. Then my dogs started barking like there was an intruder or maybe raccoons on the porch. But my dogs quickly were barking everywhere and distressed. Turning in circles, barking at the ceiling. It was very disconcerting.

Then I started to hear it.

You know the sound of high voltage electricity? That ominous hum you hear near a transformer or capacitors? It was like that. Only higher in pitch. It was approaching my house and at terrific speed. I went to a window expecting to see some weird vehicle driving up the street but as I did I realized that whatever it was it was up in the sky.

It passed directly over my house and immediately the doppler change in pitch had it receding to the east. I ran outside to see if I could spy anything but it was too late. My dogs stopped barking. I stood there confused as all hell.

It was only at this point that I realized my skin felt funny. Was there some static electricity present or was this just nerves? I didn't know.

So, what was that? I dunno. Whatever it was it was flying pretty low and pretty fast. It didn't sound like anything I had ever heard before. No jet engines. No props. No nothing but that incredible sound of so much electricity.

I'm on a flight path for aircraft out of Edwards Air Force Base and Groom Lake. Back in the 80s we spotted black triangles that would turn out to be stealth aircraft. Was this just something very new and top secret? That would be my best guess.

But it sure was weird.

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