mercredi 5 janvier 2022

Mozilla's founder on it taking bitcoins


'm sure that whoever runs this account has no idea who I am, but I founded @mozilla and I'm here to say **** you and **** this. Everyone involved in the project should be witheringly ashamed of this decision to partner with planet-incinerating Ponzi grifters.
And on cryptocurrencies generally

What have these Libertarian crypto-bro idealists built?

The cryptocurrency industry, whose business model would seem unrealistic and ham-handed if it was a villain on Captain Planet: they manufacture only POLLUTION, nothing else, and they turn that into money.

They call it a "currency" but the only thing you can do with it is pay ransom after your computer was hacked! You can't even use it to buy porn!

And make no mistake, if you can't use a thing to buy porn, that thing is not a currency.
Cryptocurrencies are Itchy & Scratchy Money.

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