mercredi 6 avril 2022

Organic art in the Void of Place

A link to a video of the remarkable art that occurred in the time-lapse of the Place is below.

"Place" is an interactive community experimental art project on Reddit created by artist Josh Warlde, creator of the Wordle game. It was first run in 2017 and was just run again, exactly 5 years later, on April 1.

The first version was a webpage with a canvass of 1 million pixels, 1000 X 1000. Users could sign in and select from 16 colors and choose any one pixel to color, whether it was blank or previously colored by someone else. They would have to wait at least 5 minutes to place another pixel.

That was 2017. They ran another one April 1. 2022. Larger. 2000 X 2000. It expanded right after the first day. Then down, the next day. It also had 32 colors available.

The results from both were very depressing. This could be an organic creative opportunity where everybody contributes a small part the picture changes and grows.

Instead, groups form, and they carve out a rectangle that they will fill with a pre-designed plan and defend. What they fill that rectangle with is boring. National flags, logos of sports teams and games and universities. Memes. Cartoon characters and anime.

Instead of being organic developing art, it is just people massively organizing to create and defend sone tribal symbol of nationalism or commercialism.

But...there is one unusual group. The Void. The Void is a community seeking to destroy by placing black pixels. To destroy corporate logos and Twitch streamer's banes. Large nationalistic flags. All others who take over space from small art groups.

Unlike all other groups, The Void has no commander. No pixel templates. No plan. They swarm like amoeba across the canvas to clear for new small art.

This Place for the Void was....different. When a void was created, faces showed. Or were partially destroyed and remade. Organic art creation as the project made possible.

I find it interesting that the one and only time an actual organic artistic creation has ever occurred within nothing but popular image replication, we get an organic development of a mechanical jester.

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