samedi 2 juillet 2022

Edinburgh is further west than Bristol shock

A person who says he was once leader of Year 8 Geography Bee says he is shocked to discover Edinburgh is further west than Bristol.

As an ex from the West Midlands once, to my astonishment, informed me that Glasgow was further west (4.25 W) than Birmingham (1.25) I was less impressed than others on his tweet.


Myles Smith
Someone recently informed me that Edinburgh is farther west than Bristol. My confidence in my knowledge of UK geography may never recover
2:01 PM · Jul 1, 2022·Twitter Web App
Quote Tweets

I was even aware that Newcastle was only the half way point when travelling from southern England towards Aberdeen, my son having graduated from Durham and then moving onto Edinburgh.

As the topic moves on to size of country, people in the twitter thread are amazed that Scotland is bigger than England. One map that stands out is how were one to fit Europe into North America, Ireland and the UK are somewhere to the west of Canada, with Portugal being at California and Turkey at New York, based on latitudes. (See attached thumbnail.)

So what weird and wonderful things have YOU discovered geographically?

My contribution is that for many years I fondly believed that Uppsala in Sweden was in the far north, way above Stockholm. Imagine my surprise to realise it was actually further south than Turku, Finland. (59° 51' 30.83" N versus 60° 27' 16.2360'' N). As someone who spends a lot of time looking at maps this was an eye-opening disabuse of an erroneous notion.

The illusions come from the fact the UK is depicting in graphics as standing upright, when in fact it leans to the East. Ditto Sweden. On looking at a 'true size' webpage, I was shocked at just how skinny Sweden really is. The other surprising thing is, that whilst Sweden (our rivals!) looks thinner than Finland, it is actually larger in size.

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