dimanche 5 mars 2023

Age Discrimination

Age discrimination, though technically illegal in the USA, is apparently alive and well. For instance, a survey taken in the state of New York found that 1 in 10 workers had lost a job due to age discrimination.

Why is this a problem, beyond for the people who are affected? Because
1) the eligibility age for full Social Security benefits cannot be raised without throwing a significant number of the elderly into poverty because too many people cannot maintain employment through their 60's.
2) the loss to the USA economy is estimated at $850 billion/year, which is around 4 percent of the GDP.

I've had my own issues with age discrimination, being "quiet fired" from a contractor position at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Environmental Modeling Center. They chose to send a younger person with no background in meteorology to a training program that they wouldn't send me (or the other 60+) to and then allowed the project to meander for 2 YEARS while that person came up to speed in the subject matter. In the mean time, I, with an M.S. in atmospheric science and an almost completed M.S. in computer science, 20+ years of working with satellite data, and experience in developing a real-time weather radar ingest and display system, was given nothing substantial to work on, nor was I invited to meetings in which the technical details of the project were worked out.

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