A horrendous derailment and collision took place Friday on Indian Railways, near Balasore in Odisha state, with the death toll near 300. Involved was the Coromandel Superfast Express, one of Indian Railways' top passenger trains. The train runs daily along India's east coast between Shalimar in West Bengal, and Chennai in Tamil Nadu. The Coromandel, with more than 20 passenger cars and better than 1,200 passengers on board, was running at full speed when it rammed a stopped freight train in Bahanaga Bazar. Derailed passenger cars landed on an adjacent track and were struck moments later by another high-speed express train, the HowrahSMVT Bengaluru Superfast Express.
As to the cause, what sent a high-speed passenger train rocketing into a freight train stopped on a siding, it is being reported a problem with the signal system may have been to blame.
Wreckage is strewn across countryside.
As to the cause, what sent a high-speed passenger train rocketing into a freight train stopped on a siding, it is being reported a problem with the signal system may have been to blame.
Aditya Kumar Chaudhary, the chief public relations officer for Southern Eastern Railways, confirmed reports that a preliminary inquiry had indicated that the crash was likely caused by a problem in the signaling system. But Mr. Chaudhary said that theory needed to be checked in a thorough investigation. New York Times news link |
Wreckage is strewn across countryside.
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