mercredi 23 août 2023

Changes to UK Surveillance Regime May Violate International Law

Not sure if this should be here or in the UK politics thread


The new bill includes obligations for companies to give advance notice to the U.K. Secretary of State before implementing any technical changes in the architecture of software that would interfere with the U.K.’s current surveillance powers.

As a result, an operator of a messaging service wishing to introduce an advanced security feature would now have to first let the Home Office know in advance.

Device manufacturers would likely also have to notify the government before making available important security updates that fix known vulnerabilities and keep devices secure. Accordingly, the Secretary of State, upon receiving such an advance notice, could now request operators to, for instance, abstain from patching security gaps to allow the government to maintain access for surveillance purposes.

any notices “continue to apply to the operators to whom it was intended to apply, including those that have adopted more complex corporate structures.” This would mean that the operators with a multinational presence would have to adhere to the U.K. government’s orders in every country of operation.

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