samedi 9 septembre 2023

The general hardware torture thread

Why should software and customer service afficionados get all the attention. Hardware is worth a big whinge too.

I boughy myself a new six port USB 3 hub with a 2.5 amp power supply. Nothing but problems. I could hook something up and a USB disk just disconnects and reconnects. A camera connects and doesn't work.

I had bought a USB current/voltage monitor and plugged it in.

The voltage would not rise above 4.8V and would drop to 4.2V. No wonder only the miniature keyboar and mouse transmitter worked.

I had a spare power supply and hooked up that instead after hacking the power wires.

Now it works. The other power supply rates itself at up to 4 amps. The voltage now starts at 5.1V and doesn't drop below 4.8V. Things just plug in and work now.

I have read comments about supplied USB power supplies being junk. Now I have had one myself. It was pathetic. Never even supplied 5V at zero load.

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